Conference Theme:

"Measures to achieve better quality of life and active healthy aging"

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Social Services published in 2018 a report with the English title: "A full life - all your life — A Quality Reform for Older Persons". In the report it is expressed that "all older persons should be able to continue enjoying their daily lives, even when health issues arise, and public services are needed". This statement reminds all of us the value of quality of everyday life even when facing the almost inevitable challenges that follow older age. Technology might prevent becoming dependent, or at least postpone the need for services and loss of autonomy and self-respect. Even though it can be argued that we live in the digital age where technology is invisibly present all the time, support must be in place both for the individual and in the community to be able to exploit its features to the best for the whole society. The pace of technology development is high and in a wide range of products, however, there is a generation gap in technology usage. The conference aims at decreasing this gap and addressing barriers that may sustain such a gap.

The Conference theme, "Measures to achieve better quality of life and active healthy aging", addresses the potential power of technology to both enhance quality of life for older people and prevent age-related disabilities through health promotion. Technological solutions can also support independence and meaningful activities, and they can prevent loneliness, boredom and helplessness. This aligns with the main goals of gerontechnology which is divided into seven achievements: Satisfaction and enjoyment; Prevention; Support; Compensation; Caring; Care support; and Care organization. Technologies may provide new and innovative ways to achieve better lives and quality services for all users and stakeholders. Quality of life is a core concept throughout life and efforts early in life might influence older age. To enhance active healthy aging, technology and digital literacy could be promoted by learning adequate skills before the onset of potential age-related disabilities. Therefore, gerontechnology includes not only technologies adopted for older people, but also technologies that are universally designed to be utilized throughout life.

Thematic Symposia are based on the abstracts that are accepted, and symposia will be presented as soon as they are confirmed.