Online host during the conference will be Elise Landsem. She will be live on screen from Trondheim to guide you through the exciting program of ISG 2020.
During her 10 years in Trondheim she has been a student and board member at NTNU, worked on projects within the health sector as an employee in SINTEF, worked within elderly care and had a strong involvement in the local ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation. Her current job at Accenture involves problem solving in public sector, at the intersection of technology, organization and strategy. Elise is passionate about ensuring a high quality of life for the elderly, and is honoured to be a part of the ISG 2020 conference team
The scientific program consists of 6 keynotes, 13 symposia, 61 oral presentations, 51 posters and 2 roundtables.
The detailed scientific program can be downloaded here.