
Number Title Type Partners Delivery
D1 Report on the development of primary standards for heavy-duty vehicles (target uncertainty of < 0.5 %) and secondary standards for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles (target uncertainty of < 2.0 %) for measuring mass of hydrogen dispensed at HRS Report Cesame, BEV‑PTP, JV, METAS, NEL M36 (July 2023)
D2 Recommendations for verification periods of HRS including guidelines on how to ensure accurate measurements and minimised uncertainty due to HRS design Guidelines BEV‑PTP, Cesame, JV, METAS, Empa M34 (May 2023)
D3 Report on the results of the interlaboratory comparison on hydrogen fuel including all contaminants regulated in EN 17124:2018 and ISO/FDIS 14687, with conclusions on the recommendations for future improvements to ISO 21087:2019 Report RISE, EMCEL, Linde, Air Liquide, ZBT, NPL M36 (July 2023)
D4 Metrological guidelines for the validation, calibration and quality control of online gas analysers and sensors performing analysis of hydrogen contaminants regulated in EN 17124:2018 and ISO/FDIS 14687 Guidelines NPL, Empa, ITM, Air Liquide, EMCEL M36 (July 2023)
D5 Good practice guide for handling of hydrogen fuel sampling containers (harmonised with USA and Japan and including preparation, delay for analysis, lifetime and transfer) at HRS nozzles Good practice guide NPL, RISE, SINTEF, ZBT, ENGIE, Air Liquide, ITM, Linde M30 (Jan 2023)
D6 Good practice guide for hydrogen quality sampling procedures/methods at HRS nozzles (harmonised with USA and Japan)  Good practice guide SINTEF, NPL, ZBT, ENGIE, Toyota, Air Liquide  M32 (Mar 2023)
D7 Good practice guide on measuring the impact of contaminants on FC stacks (with online analysis) with detailed description of parameters to monitor Good practice guide VTT, NPL, ZBT, CEA, SINTEF M34 (May 2023)
D8 Report on standard test protocols concerning FC measurements with stack to determine threshold limits of critical contaminants in hydrogen Report VTT, NPL, ZBT, CEA, SINTEF M36 (July 2023)
D9 Evidence of contributions to or influence on new or improved international guides, recommendations and standards with a specific focus on the following guides and committees: ISO/TC 197 WG 24, WG27, WG28, ISO/TC 158 JWG7, CEN/CLC/TC 6, CEN/TC 268 WG 5, CEN/TC 234, ISO/TC 193, IEC/TC 105, OIML – TC 8 SC 7, EURAMET TC-MC, EURAMET TC-Flow. Examples of early uptake of project outputs by end-users Reporting documents SINTEF, all partners M36 (July 2023)
D10 Delivery of all technical and financial reporting documents as required by EURAMET
Reporting documents NPL, all partners
M36 (July 2023) + 60 days