
Function getHenryCoef.m
tutorial main page computeComposition.m computeWaterComp.m equationCompositional.m flash_calculation.m getHenryCoef.m
getR.m initStateBravo.m omega_l.m quadraticRelPerm.m runBravo.m setNonlinearSolverParameters.m setupControls.m
setupGeometry.m setupSystem.m solvefi.m vaporPressure.m

Returns the Henry coefficients

function k = getHenryCoef()

   k = [2702.7;  % [He(g)]/[He(l)]
        2222.22; % [Ne(g)]/[Ne(l)]
        29.41;   % [CO2(g)]/[CO2(l)]

   % Values from wikipedia
   % kHcc = [9.051e-3; 1.101e-2; 0.8317]; % c_aq/c_g (dimensionless).
   % kHpc = = [2702.7; 2222.22; 29.41]; % p/c_aq (in  L*atm/mol).

   % switch to SI units
   litre = 1e-3*meter^3;
   k = k*litre*atm;


Published October 8, 2014