Release Notes for MRST 2017b
Release Notes for 2017bHighlights
New modules and featuresNew documentationEfforts has been made to integrate MRST with the Sphinx documentation system. The documentation can be seen here: At the moment, there are still issues with the quality of the auto-generated documentation, but we will continue improving this between releases. Compact DiagonalAutoDiffBackend for faster AD assemblyWe have added support for additional backends for automatic differentation. This is an early preview of coming functionality which should make it possible to simulate larger problems with more components and physical effects. Octave compatibilityPreliminary support for Octave has been added to the AD-based solvers. Previously, only the incompressible and immiscible solvers in the incomp module were supported. Currently the ad-blackoil and compositional have been tested on Octave 4.2.1. Thanks to Andres Codas for providing feedback that Octave now supports classdef. It should be noted that the performance is currently orders of magnitude behind recent versions of Matlab in our tests. A simple example is included in the octave module demonstrating SPE1. Module ad-mechanicsMechanical model for linear elasticity can be coupled to standard reservoir flow models, such as oil-water or black-oil models. The global system can be solved either simultaneously or using fixed-stress splitting. The solver for linear elasticiticy uses the virtual element method and can handle general grids. Module compositionalA new module for compositional problems with either cubic equations-of-state or tabulated K-values. Both the natural variables and overall composition formulations are included together with validation against commercial and research simulators. Module linearsolversNew module for bindings to external linear solvers. This release includes tentative support for the AMGCL ( header-only library for preconditioning with and without AMG. Module geochemistryThe module implements solvers for the following models: aqueous speciation, surface chemistry, redox chemistry, equilibrium with gas and solid phases. Each of these models can be readily coupled with a flow solver. The main contributor is Colin MacNeece from Texas Austin University. Module solventThe solvent module can be used to simulate injection of solvent gas in petroleum reservoirs. The model is an extension of the Todd-Longstaff model for miscible flooding and assumes two extrema: In regions with only water and reservoir hydrocarbons, we have traditional black-oil behavior, whereas in regions with only water, reservoir oil, and solvent gas, the oil and solvent are completely miscible. In regions with water, oil, reservoir gas, and solvent gas, we interpolate between the two extrema based on the solvent to total gas saturation and the pressure. This formulation makes it possible to simulate miscible and partially miscible displacement without using an expensive fully compositional formulation. Changes to MRST core
Changes to existing modulesModule ad-blackoil
Module ad-core
Module ad-eor
Module ad-props
Module blackoil-sequential
Module co2lab
Module coarsegrid
Module deckformat
Module dual-porosity
Module fvbiot
Module hfm
Module incomp
Module mrst-gui
Module upr
Module upscaling
Module vemmech