
Example 6: Adaptive Refinement of Grid

In this example, we show how to make grids that dynamically adapt to an advancing saturation front. To this end, we consider a quarter five-spot with heterogeneity sampled from on layer of the SPE10 data set. We will compare the solution transport on four different grids (using pressure solutions computed on the fine grid):

  • the original 60x220 fine grid
  • a coarse grid, which is either a Cartesian grid (if useCart=true) or a NUC grid based on the time-of-flight indicator and refineUniform
  • an adaptive grid with local refinement down to the original resolution
  • an adaptive grid with local refinement to intermediate resolution

Where to refine is predicted by comparing the solution at the previous time step with a coarse-grid estimation of the next time step. Refinement can then be imposed either cell-wise for all cells where the discrepancy is larger than satTol or blockwise in all blocks in which the discrepancy is larger than satTol. For the block-wise refinement, we also refine block neighbors across interfaces with net flux below fluxTol to reduce coarse-scale smearing.


  1. V. L. Hauge, K.-A. Lie, J. R. Natvig, Grid coarsening based on amalgamation for multi-fidelity transport solvers, September 2010,


Parameters controlling case setup

layer = 20;          % which layer from the SPE10 model
adaptBlocks = true;  % refine all cells within a marked block
useCart = true;      % use Cartesian coarse grid
satTol  = .02;       % refine if |s-s.old|>satTol
fluxTol = 1e-2;      % refine on both sides when net flux is below fluxTol

Initialize model problem and compute initial solution

Create grid structure, rock structure, and source structure, and initalise a fluid object. Note the viscosities. For simpler flow-pattern we use a quarter five-spot source/sink configuration, instead of the five-spot well configuration.

   require spe10
catch me
   mrstModule add spe10;
[G, W, rock] = SPE10_setup(25); clear W %#ok<ASGLU>
rock.poro    = max(rock.poro, 1e-3);
fluid        = initSimpleFluid('mu' , [   1,  .2]*centi*poise     , ...
                               'rho', [1014, 859]*kilogram/meter^3, ...
                               'n'  , [   2,   2]);
src  = addSource([], [1 G.cells.num], [1000 -1000]./day(), 'sat', [1, 0]);

Simulation parameters

param.nPres = 9;   % Pressure steps
param.nSub  = 5;   % Transport steps per pressure step
pv          = poreVolume(G, rock);
T           = .9 * sum(pv) / sum(src.rate(src.rate > 0)); % PVI -> time
DT          = T / (param.nPres * param.nSub);
[NL,NU]     = deal(50, 100);
[NLF,NUF]   = deal(10, 25);

Compute initial fine-grid solution

rf = initState(G, [], 0, 0);
S  = computeMimeticIP(G, rock);
rf = solveIncompFlow(rf, G, S, fluid, 'src', src);

Create basic coarse grid and supporting data structures

We generate a quite coarse grid used for estimatating which regions to refine adaptiv around the advancing saturation front. This is the same grid throughout the whole simulation process.

iTOF = log10(1 ./ ( ...
   computeTimeOfFlight(rf, G, rock, 'src', src) .* ...
   computeTimeOfFlight(rf, G, rock, 'src', src, 'reverse', true)));
iTOF  = iTOF - min(iTOF) + 1;

% Make static partitions and coarse grid
pS = partitionUI(G, [12 44 1]);
if useCart,
   p = partitionUI(G, [6 22 1]);
   p = segmentIndicator(G, iTOF, 2*round(max(iTOF) - min(iTOF)) ); %#ok<UNRCH>
   p = mergeBlocks2(p, G, pv, iTOF, NL, NU);
   p = refineBlocks(p, G, iTOF, NU, @refineGreedy2);
   p = mergeBlocks2(p, G, pv, iTOF, NL, NU);
   [b, bi, pS] = unique([pS, p], 'rows');
[blks, p] = findConfinedBlocks(G,p);
CG  = generateCoarseGrid(G, p);
pvC = accumarray(CG.partition,pv);

% Adding extra coarse grid fields to not stop in twophaseJacobian, getFlux
CG.cells.volumes = accumarray(CG.partition, G.cells.volumes);
CG.nodes.coords  = zeros(CG.cells.num, 3);
CG.faces.normals = zeros(CG.faces.num, 3);

% To find coarse net fluxes on coarse interfaces from fine fluxes
[nsubC, subC] = subFaces(G, CG);
[sgnC, cfC] = signOfFineFacesOnCoarseFaces(G, CG, nsubC, subC);

% Coarse rock and source structure
rockC.poro = accumarray(CG.partition, pv)./CG.cells.volumes;
srcC  = convertSource2Coarse(CG, src);

% Initially, all coarse grids are the same
aG1 = CG;
aG2 = CG;

Set correct fluxes for the state vectors

rf - fine grid rc - coarse grid, rc contains fine-grid and rcC coarse-grid quantities ra1 - adaptive #1, ra1 contains fine-grid and ra1C coarse-grid quantities ra2 - adaptive #2, ra2 contains fine-grid and ra2C coarse-grid quantities

rcC.flux       = accumarray(cfC, sgnC.*rf.flux(subC), [CG.faces.num,1]);
rcC.s          = coarse_sat(rf.s, CG.partition, pv, CG.cells.num);
[rc, ra1, ra2] = deal(rf);
[ra1C, ra2C]   = deal(rcC);
[ra1C.cflux, ra2C.cflux] = deal(rcC.flux);

Time loop

clf, set(gcf, 'OuterPosition', [444 454 820 640]);
wc  = zeros(param.nPres*param.nSub+1, 4); wc(2:end,:) = NaN;
err = zeros(param.nPres*param.nSub+1, 3); err(2:end,:) = NaN;
T   = 0:DT:T;
for i = 1:param.nPres,
   for j = 1:param.nSub,

      % Fine and coarse solution
      rf   = implicitTransport(rf, G, DT, rock, fluid, 'src', src);

      rcC  = implicitTransport(rcC, CG, DT, rockC, fluid, 'src', srcC);
      rc.s = rcC.s(CG.partition);

      % Adaptive grid with local fine-grid resolution
      % Predict new saturation on coarse grid
      est.flux = ra1C.cflux;
      est.s    = coarse_sat(ra1.s, CG.partition, pv, CG.cells.num);
      est      = implicitTransport(est, CG, DT, rockC, fluid, 'src', srcC);
      est.s    = est.s(CG.partition);

      % Determine which cells to refine
      if adaptBlocks,
         disc  = accumarray(CG.partition, abs(est.s - ra1.s).*pv)./ pvC;
         blks = [false; disc>satTol];
         N = double(CG.faces.neighbors( ...
            abs(ra1C.cflux) < fluxTol*max(ra1C.cflux),:)+1);
         blks(N(any(blks(N),2),:)) = true;
         blks = blks(2:end);
         cells = blks(CG.partition);
         cells = abs(est.s - ra1.s)>satTol; %#ok<UNRCH>

      % Update partition and create new grid
      pn        = CG.partition;
      pn(cells) = CG.cells.num + (1:sum(cells));
      pn        = compressPartition(pn);
      pn        = processPartition(G, pn);
      aG1       = generateCoarseGrid(G, pn);

       % Additional fields in the coarse grid
      aG1.cells.volumes = accumarray(aG1.partition, G.cells.volumes);
      aG1.nodes.coords  = zeros(aG1.cells.num, 3);
      aG1.faces.normals = zeros(aG1.faces.num, 3);

      % Updating structures
      [nsub,sub] = subFaces(G, aG1);
      [sgn,  cf] = signOfFineFacesOnCoarseFaces(G, aG1, nsub, sub);
      pvb        = accumarray(aG1.partition, pv);
      rockb.poro = pvb ./ aG1.cells.volumes;
      srcb       = convertSource2Coarse(aG1, src);
      ra1C.flux  = accumarray(cf, sgn .* ra1.flux(sub), [aG1.faces.num,1]);
      ra1C.s     = accumarray(aG1.partition, ra1.s.*pv) ./ pvb;

      % Transport simulation
      ra1C = implicitTransport(ra1C, aG1, DT, rockb, fluid, 'src', srcb);
      ra1.s = ra1C.s(aG1.partition);

      % Adaptive grid with local refinement (from pS)
      % Predict new saturation on coarse grid
      est.flux = ra2C.cflux;
      est.s    = coarse_sat(ra2.s, CG.partition, pv, CG.cells.num);
      est      = implicitTransport(est, CG, DT, rockC, fluid, 'src', srcC);
      est.s    = est.s(CG.partition);

      % Determine which cells to refine
      if adaptBlocks,
         disc  = accumarray(CG.partition, abs(est.s - ra2.s).*pv)./ pvC;
         blks = [false; disc>satTol];
         N = double(CG.faces.neighbors(...
            abs(ra2C.cflux) < fluxTol*max(ra2C.cflux),:)+1);
         blks(N(any(blks(N),2),:)) = true;
         blks = blks(2:end);
         cells = blks(CG.partition);
         cells = abs(est.s - ra2.s)>satTol; %#ok<UNRCH>

      % Update partition and create new coarse grid
      pn        = CG.partition;
      ps        = compressPartition(pS(cells));
      pn(cells) = max(pn) + ps;
      pn        = compressPartition(pn);
      pn        = processPartition(G, pn);
      aG2       = generateCoarseGrid(G, pn);

      % Additional fields in the coarse grid
      aG2.cells.volumes = accumarray(aG2.partition, G.cells.volumes);
      aG2.nodes.coords  = zeros(aG2.cells.num, 3);
      aG2.faces.normals = zeros(aG2.faces.num, 3);

      % Updating structures
      [nsub,sub] = subFaces(G, aG2);
      [sgn,  cf] = signOfFineFacesOnCoarseFaces(G, aG2, nsub, sub);
      pvb        = accumarray(aG2.partition, pv);
      rockb.poro = pvb ./ aG2.cells.volumes;
      srcb       = convertSource2Coarse(aG2, src);
      ra2C.flux  = accumarray(cf, sgn .* ra2.flux(sub), [aG2.faces.num,1]);
      ra2C.s     = accumarray(aG2.partition, ra2.s.*pv) ./ pvb;

      % Transport simulation on  aG2
      ra2C   = implicitTransport(ra2C, aG2, DT, rockb, fluid,  'src', srcb);
      ra2.s  = ra2C.s(aG2.partition);

      % Plotting of saturations
      axes('position',[.04 .35 .2 .6])
      plotCellData(G, rf.s), axis equal tight off
      title(sprintf('Fine: %d cells', G.cells.num));

      axes('position',[.28 .35 .2 .6])
      plotCellData(G, rc.s), axis equal tight off
      outlineCoarseGrid(G, CG.partition, 'EdgeColor', 'w', 'EdgeAlpha', 0.3);
      title(sprintf('Coarse: %d blocks', CG.cells.num));

      axes('position',[.52 .35 .2 .6])
      plotCellData(G, ra1.s), axis equal tight off
      outlineCoarseGrid(G, aG1.partition, 'EdgeColor', 'w', 'EdgeAlpha', 0.3);
      title(sprintf('Adaptive #1: %d blocks', aG1.cells.num))

      axes('position',[.76 .35 .2 .6])
      plotCellData(G, ra2.s), axis equal tight off
      outlineCoarseGrid(G, aG2.partition, 'EdgeColor', 'w', 'EdgeAlpha', 0.3);
      title(sprintf('Adaptive #2: %d blocks', aG2.cells.num));

      % Plot error curves and water cut
      ind = (i-1)*param.nSub + j+1;
      axes('position',[.06 .05 .42 .25])
      wc(ind,:) = [ rf.s(G.cells.num), rc.s(G.cells.num), ...
                    ra1.s(G.cells.num), ra2.s(G.cells.num) ];
      plot(T, wc),
      legend('Fine','Coarse', 'Adaptive #1', 'Adaptive #2', 2);
      axis([T(1) T(end) -.05 1.05]), title('Water cut')

      axes('position',[.54 .05 .42 .25])
      err(ind,:) = [sum(abs(rc.s - rf.s).*pv), ...
                    sum(abs(ra1.s - rf.s).*pv), ...
                    sum(abs(ra2.s - rf.s).*pv)]./sum(rf.s .* pv);
      plot(T, err),
      legend('Coarse', 'Adaptive #1', 'Adaptive #2', 1);
      set(gca,'XLim',[T(1) T(end)]), title('Error')


   % Update fine-grid pressure
   rf  = solveIncompFlow(rf, G, S, fluid, 'src', src);

   % Update fine-grid pressure for CG, convert fluxes to coarse structure
   rc = solveIncompFlow(rc, G, S, fluid, 'src', src);
   rcC.flux = accumarray(cfC, sgnC .* rc.flux(subC), [CG.faces.num, 1]);

   % Update fine-grid pressure for aG1 and aG2
   ra1 = solveIncompFlow(ra1, G, S, fluid, 'src', src);
   ra2 = solveIncompFlow(ra2, G, S, fluid, 'src', src);

   % Compute net flux along underlying coarse grid
   ra1C.cflux = accumarray(cfC, sgnC .* ra1.flux(subC), [CG.faces.num, 1]);
   ra2C.cflux = accumarray(cfC, sgnC .* ra2.flux(subC), [CG.faces.num, 1]);
   % Fluxes for the adaptive coarse grid will be updated after the grid has
   % been generated in the main loop.


Published October 2, 2012