
MRST Symposium

The second MRST symposium was held on 26th and 27th September 2023.

The symposium had over 190 registered participants and consisted of several talks and poster presentations with contributions from the core development team at SINTEF as well as the wider MRST community.

Watch all the recorded talks here.

Special Edition

As a follow-up to the 2023 MRST Symposium we are pleased to announce that there will be a special issue in Advances in Geo-Energy Research (AGER) dedicated to works that make use of the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST). Submission is open to all authors regardless of whether they presented at the MRST Symposium or not.

Further information about how to submit to the special edition can be found here.


Start time CEST Title Presenter
Day 1 - 26th Sept    
15:00-15:03 Welcome Francesca Watson, (SINTEF Digital)
15:03-15:20 MRST: Status and Outlook Knut-Andreas Lie, (SINTEF Digital)
15:20-15:40 Tu1 - Introduction to poroelasticity in MRST Odd Andersen (SINTEF Digital)
15:40-16:00 Tu2 - Near-wellbore modeling for vertical wells and its application in water control operations Junjian Li (China University of Petroleum, Beijing)
16:00-16:20 Tu3 - Characterization of capillary driven flow in layered petroleum reservoirs
Akshit Agarwal (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
Tu4 - Impact of pressure-dependent permeability and fracture conductivity on well productivity in a tight reservoir
Oscar Molina (MathWorks)
16:40-17:00 Break  
17:00-18:30 Tu5 - Meet the developers SINTEF Digital
Day 2  - 27th Sept    
15:00-15:20 We1 - Model calibration in MRST using adjoints Stein Krogstad (SINTEF Digital)
15:20-15:40 We2 - PENTREACT: A non-isothermal reactive transport module in MRST to model coupled flow, heat transfer, and reactive transport processes in subsurface reservoirs Sajjad Moslehi (Petroleum University of Technology, Ahvaz, Iran)
15:40-16:00 We3 - Modeling phase behavior and black-oil simulations for underground hydrogen storage Elyes Ahmed (SINTEF Digital)
16:00-16:10 Break  
16:10-17:40 We4 - Poster session  
17:40-17:50 Break  
17:50-18:10 We5 - Fast workflow for fault leakage modelling during CO2 storage Hariharan Ramachandran (Heriot-Watt University)
18:10-18:30 We6 - MRST vertical equilibrium model analysis for CO2 storage Mohammadsajjad Zeynolabedini (NTNU)
18:30-18:50 We7 - Numerical simulation of CO2 migration in the FluidFlower using MRST
Lluís Saló-Salgado (MIT)
18:50-19:00 Closing remarks  


Abstracts for oral presentations can be found here.

Abstracts for poster presentations can be found here.


For other questions regarding the symposium, please contact Francesca Watson () or Øystein Klemetsdal ().

Information and presentations from previous symposia can be found here

Published June 30, 2023