
Author instructions
This page contains instructions for preparing a manuscript for possible inclusion in this book. The book will be provided as a camera-ready manuscript to the publisher, which the editors will compile using LaTeX. All chapters should therefore be prepared in LaTeX using a basic style file from Springer Verlag with additional styles developed by the editors on top. To ensure timely publication of the book, we kindly request your help by carefully reading the following detailed instructions.

This page contains instructions for preparing a manuscript for possible inclusion in this book. The book will be provided as a camera-ready manuscript to the publisher, which the editors will compile using LaTeX. All chapters should therefore be prepared in LaTeX using a basic style file from Springer Verlag with additional styles developed by the editors on top. To ensure timely publication of the book, we kindly request your help by carefully reading the following detailed instructions.

  1. Download the archive file with the author templates and unpack them in a suitable directory. Alternatively, copy them from Overleaf (link not yet operational).
  2. Check your LaTeX installation by running pdflatex on the file authorsample.tex. If your systems says that some basic style files are missing, you need to install these (e.g., from CTAN)and compile again.
  3. Name your document after your module (e.g., mrsb.tex or ad-core.tex) or after the first author.
  4. Keep your document as simple as possible by using standard LaTeX2e commands. Also:
  5. Read authorsample.pdf for specific instructions on how to format your chapter, and refguide.pdf for general instructions about the svmult.cls style. Whenever there is differences between the specific and general instructions, the former take presedence.
    • Do not include any new LaTeX packages beyond those specified in the mrstbook.sty setup unless strictly necessary, as these may cause problems with compiling the whole book. If you need to include extra packages, please contact the editors.
    • Declare all new commands insided the \bgroup \egroup pair of the document. Avoid redefining preexisting commands.
    • Please label all numbered items (sections, subsections, equations, tables and figures) by using \label, see Section 1.1 of authorsample.pdf.
    • Write Figure and Table in full and remember that these should always be capitalized.
    • Use convenient AMSTeX environments like align, split, multline, gather for multiline formulas; see Section 3 of authorsample.pdf.
    • Use \eqref to refer to equations, i.e., use single parantheses (5) rather than Eq. (5), etc.
    • Avoid empty lines after displayed environments.
    • Avoid punctuation inside inline math environments, e.g., write $a<b$, $b<c$ instead of $a<b, b<c$.
  6. Environments and mechanisms for including figures and tables are described in Section 4 of authorsample.pdf. Our style requires captions above tables but below figures. Also:
    • Try not to force the placement of figures and tables by use of imperatives like [h], [h!], and [H].
    • Remember that page breaks may change when the book goes into production (because the publisher will likely use somewhat different style sets and fonts). Hence, do not spend too much time fiddling and manipulating pagebreaks.
  7. Program listings and code excerpts should be included as described in Section 5.3 of authorsample.pdf.
  8. References need to be provided as a BibTeX file to ensure consistent citations and lists of references throughout the whole book. Please make sure you give your citations a unique name, e.g., by prepending the name of your module, like \cite{mymodule:mycitekey}. Collect all your citations in a separate BibTeX file named after the module or the first author, e.g., ad-core.bib. Please consult the file authorsample.bib; this is a personal file, which serves as an example of the syntax. Note the following BibTeX details:
    • Separate all authors by "and"; this will automatically be changed to appropriate forms
    • If you use initials only in names, please write "Smith, W. G." and not "Smith, W.G." or "W.G. Smith". Both the latter will be interpreted as W. Smith.
    • Put brackets around names and other words in titles that need to be always capitalized, like A {K}rylov subspace method. Do not put brackets around the full title.
    • Try to include DOI numbers whenever possible, but do not include this as a full url. Do not include other urls to the full online document unless there is no DOI available.
    • ISBN and ISSN numbers are not necessary.
    • If possible, try to abbreviate journal names using standard abbreviations.
    • Most important: The complete bibliography for the book will be compiled by the editors based on individual BibTeX files submitted by the authors. To avoid name clashes, please make sure that you use unique names for your references, e.g., by adding the name of your module to the citation key like msrsb:mycitationkey.

In case you need further information or would like to ask questions, do not hesitate to contact one of the editors.

Published May 29, 2019