
Conference papers by authors from the MRST team
The following is a list of conference papers authored or co-authored by members of the MRST development team at SINTEF Digital.
  1. D. Urozayev, F. Watson, A. Ghaderi, B. Dupuy, K.O. Lye, Ø. Klemetsdal, P. Eliasson. CO2 monitoring design using value-of-information analysis with applications to the Sleipner project. Proceedings of the 17th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-17), 20-24 October 2024, 7 pages. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.5061990.
  2. Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Andersen. Proxy models for rapid simulation of underground thermal energy storage. Fifth EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference & Exhibition (GET 2024), 2024. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202421075.
  3. F. Watson, Ø. Klemetsdal, K.O. Lye. Multifidelity multilevel Monte Carlo method for rapid uncertainty quantification in CO2 storage applications. ECMOR 2024, 2024. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202437112.
  4. B. Aslam, B. Yan, K.A. Lie, S. Krogstad, O. Møyner, X. He. DiagNet-a hybrid physics-data driven model for fractured reservoir simulation. GOTECH, Dubai, UAE, May 2024. DOI: 10.2118/219110-MS.
  5. B. Aslam, B. Yan, Z. Tariq, S. Krogstad, and K.-A. Lie. Rapid simulation and optimization of geological CO2 sequestration using coarse grid network model. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 2023. DOI: 10.2118/215306-MS.
  6. O. Andersen and Ø. Klemetsdal. Conceptualizing, simulating and optimizing the integrated operation of a multi-component UTES system. 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2024, Volume 2024. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.2024101335.
  7. A. Minakov, Ø. Klemetsdal, M. Collignon, C. Gaina, I. Panea, and M. Neukirch. Basin-scale modeling of the Baia Mare geothermal and ore-forming system. 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2024, Volume 2024. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202410836.
  1. B. Aslam, B. Yan, Z. Tariq, S. Krogstad, and K.A. Lie. Rapid simulation and optimization of geological CO2 sequestration using coarse grid network model. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 2023. DOI: 10.2118/215306-MS.
  2. S. Krogstad, Ø.A. Klemetsdal, and K.A. Lie. Efficient adaptation and calibration of ad joint-based reduced-order coarse-grid network models. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, March 2023. DOI: 10.2118/212207-MS.
  3. K. A. Lie; O. Møyner, and Ø. A. Klemetsdal. An adaptive Newton–ASPEN solver for complex reservoir models. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, March 2023. DOI: 10.2118/212199-MS.
  4. H. Liu, X. Liao, K.A. Lie, K. Bao, X. Zhao, A. Johansson, and X. Raynaud. An integrated modeling framework for simulating complex transient flow in fractured reservoirs with 3D high-quality grids. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, March 2023. DOI: 10.2118/212171-MS.
  1. O. Møyner, A. Rasmussen, Ø. Klemetsdal, H. M. Nilsen, A. Moncorgé, and K.-A. Lie. Nonlinear domain decomposition preconditioning for robust and efficient field-scale simulation of subsurface flow. ECMOR 2022 - European Conference on the Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202244108.
  2. Ø. Klemetsdal, H. Nilsen, S. Krogstad, O. Andersen, and R. Van de Ven. Modeling and optimization of shallow geothermal heat storage. ECMOR 2022 - European Conference on the Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202244109.
  3. K.-A. Lie and S Krogstad. Data-driven modelling with coarse-grid network models. ECMOR 2022 - European Conference on the Mathematics of Geological Reservoirs. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202244065.
  1. O. Andersen, M. Kelley, V. Smith, and S. Raziperchikolaee. Automatic calibration of a geomechanical model from sparse data for estimating stress in deep geological formations. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2021. DOI: 10.2118/204006-MS.
  2. J. Franc, O. Møyner, and H.A. Tchelepi. Coupling-strength criteria for sequential implicit formulations. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2021. DOI: 10.2118/203909-MS.
  3. M. A. Reverón, H.H. Holm, O. Møyner, S. Krogstad, and K.-A. Lie. Numerical comparison between ES-MDA and gradient-based optimization for history matching of reduced reservoir models. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2021. DOI: 10.2118/203975-MS.
  4. E. Ahmed, Ø. Klemetsdal, X. Raynaud, O. Møyner, and H.M. Nilsen. Adaptive time stepping, linearization and a posteriori error control for multiphase flow with wells. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2021. DOI: 10.2118/203974-MS.
  5. A.A. Grimstad and Ø.S. Klemetsdal. Efficiency of CO2 foam mobility control with heterogeneous reservoir properties. TCCS-11 - Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage Trondheim, Norway - June 21-23, 2021. URI:
  6. F. Watson, O. Andersen, H.M. Nilsen. Rapid optimisation of the new Sleipner benchmark model. TCCS-11 - Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage Trondheim, Norway - June 21-23, 2021. URI:
  1. O. Møyner. Dynamic saturation reconstruction for multiphase flow by time-of-flight fill functions. ECMOR XVII - 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202035132 
  2. Ø. S. Klemetsdal, A. Moncorgé, O. Møyner, and K.-A. Lie. Additive Schwarz preconditioned exact Newton method as a nonlinear preconditioner for multiphase porous media flow. ECMOR XVII - 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202035050
  3. S. Krogstad and H.M. Nilsen. Efficient adjoint-based well-placement optimization using flow diagnostics proxies. ECMOR XVII - 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202035227
  4. F. Watson, S. Krogstad, and K.-A. Lie. Flow diagnostics for model ensembles. ECMOR XVII - 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202035133
  5. M. Borregales, O. Møyner, S. Krogstad, and K.-A. Lie. Data-driven models based on flow diagnostics. ECMOR XVII - 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202035122
  6. Ø.S. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, X. Raynaud, K.-A. Lie. A comparison of consistent discretizations for elliptic problems on polyhedral grids. In: Klöfkorn R., Keilegavlen E., Radu F., Fuhrmann J. (eds): Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples. FVCA 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 323. pp. 585-594, 2020, Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43651-3_55
  1. Ø.S. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, and K.-A. Lie. Implicit high-resolution compositional simulation with optimal ordering of unknowns and adaptive spatial refinement. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, 10-11 April, 2019. DOI: 10.2118/193934-MS
  2. A. Guion, B. Skaflestad, K.-A. Lie, and X.-H. Wu. Validation of a non-uniform coarsening and upscaling framework. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, 10-11 April, 2019. DOI: 10.2118/193891-MS
  1. O. Møyner and A. Moncorgé. Nonlinear domain decomposition scheme for sequential fully implicit formulation of compositional multiphase flow. ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802128
  2. Ø.S Klemetsdal, O Møyner and K.-A Lie. Use of dynamically adapted basis functions to accelerate multiscale simulation of complex geomodels. ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802251
  3. K.A. Lie, T.S. Mykkeltvedt and O. Møyner. Fully implicit WENO schemes on stratigraphic and fully unstructured grids. ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802269
  4. Ø.S. Klemetsdal, A.F. Rasmussen, O. Møyner and K.-A Lie. Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel solvers with higher order for black-oil models. ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802130
  5. X. Raynaud, C. Mac Neece, M. Hesse and H. Nilsen. Robust chemical solver for fully-implicit simulations. ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802266
  6. O. Møyner, A. Andersen and H.M. Nilsen. Multi-model hybrid compositional simulator with application to segregated flow. ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802237
  7. S. Krogstad, H.M. Nilsen, O. Møyner and A.F. Rasmussen. Well control optimization of the OLYMPUS case using MRST and OPM. EAGE/TNO Workshop on OLYMPUS Field Development Optimization, 2018. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802287
  8. R. Toft, K.-A. Lie, O. Møyner. Full approximation scheme for reservoir simulation. Norsk Informatikkonferanse, 2018.
  9. A.A. Grimstad, P. Bergmo, H.M. Nilsen, and Ø. Klemetsdal. CO2 storage with mobility control.14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14). Available at SSRN:
  1. Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, X. Raynaud, and K.-A. Lie. Non-linear Newton solver for a polymer two-phase system using interface-localized trust regions. IOR 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery 24-27 April 2017, Stavanger, Norway. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201700356
  2. O. Møyner and H.A. Tchelepi. A multiscale restriction-smoothed basis method for compositional models. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February 2017. DOI: 10.2118/182679-MS.
  3. O. Andersen, H. M. Nilsen, and X. Raynaud. Coupled geomechanics and flow simulation on corner-point and polyhedral grids. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 20-22 February 2017, Montgomery, Texas, USA. DOI: 10.2118/182690-MS.
  4. K.-A. Lie, O. Møyner, and J. R. Natvig. A feature-enriched multiscale method for simulating complex geomodels. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February 2017. DOI: 10.2118/182701-MS.
  5. Ø. S. Klemetsdal, R. L. Berge, K.-A. Lie, H. M. Nilsen, and O. Møyner. Unstructured gridding and consistent discretizations for reservoirs with faults and complex wells. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February 2017. DOI: 10.2118/182666-MS.
  6. K.-A. Lie, K. Kedia, B. Skaflestad, X. Wang, Y. Yang, X.-H. Wu, and N. Hoda. A general non-uniform coarsening and upscaling framework for reduced-order modeling. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February 2017. DOI: 10.2118/182681-MS.
  7. C.J. McNeece, X. Raynaud, H.M. Nilsen, and M.A. Hesse. Matlab Geochemistry: An open source geochemistry solver based on MRST AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017AGUFM.H33E1739M
  1. H. M. Nilsen, S. Krogstad, O. Andersen, R. Allen, K.-A. Lie. Using sensitivities and vertical-equilibrium models for parameter estimation of CO2 injection models with application to the Sleipner injection to measured data. 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  2. R. Allen, H. M. Nilsen, O. Andersen, K.-A. Lie. Categorization of Norwegian Continental Shelf formations in terms of geological CO2 storage potentials. 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  3. H.M. Nilsen, X. Raynaud and I. Larsen. Combining the modified discrete element method with the virtual element method for fracturing of porous media. ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601757
  4. O.A. Andersen, H.M. Nilsen and S.E. Gasda. Modelling geomechanical impact of CO2 injection and migration using precomputed response functions. ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601760
  5. K. Bao, A. Lavrov and H.M. Nilsen. Numerical modelling of non-Newtonian fluid flow in fractures and porous media. ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601773
  6. S. Krogstad, K.-A. Lie, H. M. Nilsen, C. F. Berg, and V. Kippe. Flow diagnostics for optimal polymer injection strategies ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 0.3997/2214-4609.201601874
  7. K.-A. Lie, O. Møyner, J. R. Natvig, A. Kozlova, K. Bratvedt, S. Watanable, and Z. Li. Successful application of multiscale methods in a real reservoir simulator environment. ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601893
  8. K. Bao, K.-A. Lie, O. Møyner, and M. Liu Fully-implicit simulation of polymer flooding with MRST. ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601880
  9. R. Allen, H. M. Nilsen, O. Andersen, and K.-A. Lie On obtaining optimal well rates and placement for CO2 storage. ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601823
  10. T. S. Mykkeltvedt, X. Raynaud, and K.-A. Lie. Fully-implicit higher-order schemes applied to polymer flooding. ECMOR XV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 August -- 1 September, 2016. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601848
  1. S. Krogstad, K.-A. Lie, O. Møyner, H. M. Nilsen, X. Raynaud, and B. Skaflestad. MRST-AD - an open-source framework for rapid prototyping and evaluation of reservoir simulation problems. Paper 173317-MS presented at the 2015 Reservoir simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA, 23-25 February 2015. DOI: 10.2118/173317-MS
  2. O. Møyner and K.-A. Lie. A multiscale method based on restriction-smoothed basis functions suitable for general grids in high contrast media. Paper 173265-MS presented at the 2015 Reservoir simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA, 23-25 February 2015. DOI: 10.2118/173265-MS
  3. K.-A. Lie, S. Krogstad, O. Møyner. Application of flow diagnostics and multiscale methods for reservoir management. Paper 173306-MS presented at the 2015 Reservoir simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA, 23-25 February 2015. DOI: 10.2118/173306-MS
  1. K.-A. Lie, H. M. Nilsen, and O. Andersen. A simulation workflow for large-scale CO2 storage in the Norwegian North Sea. ECMOR XIV, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. DOI:10.3997/2214-4609.20141877
  2. O. Møyner. Construction of multiscale preconditioners on stratigraphic grids. ECMOR XIV, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20141775
  3. O. Andersen, H. M. Nilsen, and K.-A. Lie. Reexamining CO2 storage capacity and utilization of the Utsira Formation. ECMOR XIV, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. DOI:10.3997/2214-4609.20141809
  4. S. Krogstad, H.M. Nilsen and X. Raynaud. Reservoir management optimization using calibrated transmissibility upscaling. ECMOR XIV, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20141864
  5. A. F. Rasmussen and K.-A. Lie. Discretization of flow diagnostics on stratigraphic and unstructured grids. ECMOR XIV, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. DOI:10.3997/2214-4609.20141844
  6. S. T. Hilden, K.A. Lie, X. Raynaud. Steady state upscaling of polymer flooding. ECMOR XIV, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20141802
  1. O. Møyner and K.-A. Lie. The multiscale finite volume method on unstructured grids. Paper SPE 163649 presented at the 2013 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 18-20 February 2013.
  2. M. Pal, S. Lamine, K.-A. Lie, and S. Krogstad Multiscale method for simulating two and three-phase flow in porous media. Paper SPE 163669 presented at the 2013 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 18-20 February 2013.
  3. A. Hasan, B. Foss, S. Krogstad, V. Gunnerud, and A.F. Teixeira. Decision analysis for long-term and short-term production optimization applied to the Voador field. SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, 16-18 September, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2013. DOI: 10.2118/166027-MS
  1. J. R. Natvig, K.-A. Lie, S. Krogstad, Y. Yang, and X.-H. Wu. Grid adaption for upscaling and multiscale methods. Proceedings of ECMOR XIII, Biarritz, France, 10-13 September 2012.
  2. S. Krogstad, K.-A. Lie, and B. Skaflestad. Mixed multiscale methods for compressible flow. Proceedings of ECMOR XIII, Biarritz, France, 10-13 September 2012.
  3. M. Pal, S. Lamine, K.-A. Lie, and S. Krogstad. Multiscale methods for two and three-phase flow simulation in subsurface petroleum reservoirs. Proceedings of ECMOR XIII, Biarritz, France, 10-13 September 2012.
  4. K.-A. Lie, H. M. Nilsen, A. F. Rasmussen, and X. Raynaud. An unconditionally stable splitting method using reordering for simulating polymer injection. Proceedings of ECMOR XIII, Biarritz, France, 10-13 September 2012.
  5. S. E. Gasda, H. M. Nilsen, and H. K. Dahle. Upscaled models for CO2 migration in geological formations with structural heterogeneity. Proceedings of ECMOR XIII, Biarritz, France, 10-13 September 2012.
  6. A. R. Syversveen, H. M. Nilsen, K.-A. Lie, J. Tveranger, and P. Abrahamsen. A study on how top-surface morphology influences the CO2 storage capacity. In "Geostatistics Oslo 2012", Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, Springer Verlag, Vol. 17, pp.481-492, 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4153-9_39.
  1. S. Krogstad. A sparse basis POD for model reduction of multiphase compressible flow. SPE 141973, 2011 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 21-23 February 2011. DOI: 10.2118/141973-MS
  2. F. O. Alpak, M. Pal, and K.-A. Lie. A multiscale method for modeling flow in stratigraphically complex reservoirs. SPE 140403, 2011 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 21-23 February 2011. DOI: 10.2118/140403-MS
  3. E. Suwartadi, S. Krogstad, and B. Foss. Nonlinear output constraints handling for production optimization of oil reservoirs. Proceedings of ECMOR XII, Oxford, UK, 6-9 September 2010.
  4. E. Suwartadi, S. Krogstad, and B. Foss. Second-order adjoint-based control for multiphase flow in subsurface oil reservoirs. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp.1866-1871, 15-17 Dec. 2010 DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2010.5716930.
  5. E. Suwartadi, S. Krogstad, and B. Foss. A Lagrangian-barrier function for adjoint state constraints optimization of oil reservoirs water flooding. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 3884-3889, 15-17 Dec. 2010. DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2010.5717749.

Published January 30, 2014

Publications with MRST

The MRST textbooks

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