Welcome to the Norwegian NanoMedicine Network website
The Norwegian NanoMedicine Network is an initiative aiming to gather the main Norwegian players in research, industry and public administration within the nanomedicine field.
The intentions of this website are to:
Provide a joint forum for Norwegian competency within nanomedicine
Present the Norwegian nanomedicine research community and industry to international partners
Increase the collaboration in national and international initiatives like European projects
Give relevant information and links to nanomedicine networks and technology platforms in Europe
Inform about relevant events
The Norwegian NanoMedicine Network is an informal structure, which includes a number of companies, hospitals, universities and non-university research institutions. If you want to participate, or if you have information about upcoming events or other news, please contact the website administrator.
EU FP7 calls for proposal: new calls within NMP are expected published July 2010, with deadlines autumn 2010.