Events and milestones
NORDBATT (September 25th-27th 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Nils Wagner presented recent results on oxides in Li ion batteries at this Nordic battery conference.
ECT 2019 (September 23rd-25th 2019, Cyprus)
At the 17th European Conference on Thermoelectrics Ole Martin Løvvik gave an invited talk on screening of thermoelectric materials with ab initio atomistic modelling and machine learning techniques.
F2cp2 Joint Conference (July 14th -19th 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland)
New results from Oxipath on BCZT thin piezoelectric films were presented by Per Martin Rørvik at this combined ISAF/ICE/EMF/IWPM/PFM conference.
CIUS Spring Conference (May 2nd-3rd 2019, Oslo, Norway)
Henrik Ræder presented the recently started 3D-Piezo project, a spin-off project from Oxipath, at this meeting organised by the Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions.
MoZEES Annual Meeting (April 24th-25th 2019, Son, Norway)
The Oxipath team made several contributions related to oxides in Li ion batteries on the annual meeting of the Norwegian Research Center on Zero Emission Energy Systems for Transport
Oxipath at conferences and meetings
ICT 2018 (July 1 st 2018 in Caen, France)
At the 37th International conference on thermoelectrics 2018 (ICT) SINTEF researcher Ole Martin Løvvik gave an invited talk on screening of thermoelectric materials.
IFAAP 2018 (May 26th 2018, Hiroshima, Japan)
Per Martin Rørvik attended the conference on ferroelectrics and electroceramics. He presented the work from Oxipath titled: Electrospinning of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.10Ti0.90O3 nanofibers for flexible nanogenerators."
CIUS Conference (May 25th 2018, Trondheim, Norway).
Henrik Ræder attended the Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions annual conference to promote SINTEF's activities on piezoelectric oxides.
yCAM 2018 (May 3rd 2018, Padova, Italy)
Tor Olav Sunde attended the Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) in Padova. Additive manufacturing and 3D printing of oxides is relevant for many of the topics in Oxipath.
The 3rd Industrial On-site Lithium-ion Cell production Technology Seminar (April 4th 2018, Itzehoe, Germany) was attended by Nils Wagner (link to event).
4th THERMIO workshop (December 4th 2017, Oslo, Norway)
SINTEF is a partner in the "Thermoelectrics for Industrial Applications" (THERMiO) cluster at UiO, and SINTEF researcher Marie-Laure is a co-supervisor for PhD student Reshma Krishnan Madathil. At the workshop Marie-Laure Fontaine gave the presentation: "Module development of oxides based thermoelectric materials".
Nordic Battery Conference 2017 (November 1st 2017, Kokkola, Finland)
Mari Juel presented results about cycling of zinc-air batteries at this important meeting place for the scientific communities working with batteries in the Nordic countries.
ECS Fall 2017 (October 1st 2017, National Harbor, USA)
Nils Wagner and Tommy Mokkelbost attended the 232nd Electrochemical Society (ECS). They presented three posters showing the battery activities in SINTEF.
ECT 2017 (September 25th 2017, Padova, Italy)
Henrik Ræder attended the European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT).
Euromat 2017 (September 17th 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece)
At this conference, Spyros Diplas organized the thermoelectric part of symposium E3 on Materials for Energy Harvesting.
ICT 2017 (July 30th 2017, Pasadena, USA)
Ole Martin Løvvik gave an invited talk on the prediction of Figure-of-merit of thermoelectric materials at the 36th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT)
Piezo 2017 (February 19th 2017, Cercedilla, Spain)
Henrik Ræder attended the Piezo 2017: Electroceramics for End Users IX conference and gave a keynote lecture on the piezo-MEMS development in SINTEF.
The Battery Show (April 4th 2017, Sindelfingen, Germany)
Nils Wagner attended The Battery show with more than 4000 attendees and 200 exhibiting companies to learn and get an overview of the latest industrial development in battery production.
Project milestones
- Kick-off meeting in Oxipath: March 3, 2017, Oslo/Trondheim.
- 1st annual Oxipath scientific meeting: August 22, 2017, Oslo/Trondheim.
- Novel cathode materials synthesized: November 8th 2017
In Oxipath, SINTEF has prepared novel high energy cathode materials for Li ion batteries with different stoichiometries. The electrochemical characterization is on-going, and shows that the properties are comparable to state-of-the-art cathodes. - 1st lead-free piezoelectric thin film sputtered: March 23rd 2018, Oslo, Norway.
This was the first time we attempted to sputter a lead-free piezoelectric thin film with our new Polyteknik Flextura deposition cluster system . A Barium calcium titanate thin film was successfully deposited on a Si wafer!