Final report:
- Pressure control and conformance management for safe and efficient CO2 storage - Accelerating CCS Technologies. Eliasson, P. et al. 1 September 2020
Publications (papers and conference contributions):
Barros E., Leeuwenburgh O., Carpentier S., Wilschut F., and Neele F. (2018). Quantifying Efficiency Of Field-Wide Geophysical Surveys For Verifying CO2 Plume Conformance During Storage Operations. In Fifth CO2 Geological Storage Workshop. (proceedings)
Barros E. and Boullenger B. (2020). Quantitative Conformance Assessment in CO2 Storage Reservoirs under Geological Uncertainties Using Convolutional Neural Network Classifiers. EAGE GET 2020. (proceedings)
Barros, E., Leeuwenburgh, O. and Boullenger B. (2020). Practical quantitative monitoring strategy assessment for conformance verification of CO2 storage projects. 82nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 8-11. (proceedings)
Blackford J., Dewar M., Espie T., Wilford S., and Bouffin N. (2020). Impact potential of hypersaline brines released into the marine environment as part of reservoir pressure management. 4th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage. (abstract)
Blackford J., Dewar M., Espie T., Wilford S., and Bouffin N. (2020). Impact potential of hypersaline brines released into the marine environment as part of reservoir pressure management. GHGT-15. (proceedings)
Carpentier S., Abidin H., Steeghs P., and Veldkamp H. (2018). Identifying Hidden Risk Elements For CO2 Storage From Reprocessed Seismic Data. In Fifth CO2 Geological Storage Workshop. (proceedings)
Carpentier S. and Boullenger B. (2019). Optimization of sparse 4D seismic surveys using seismic full waveform inversion. EAGE Workshop Practical Reservoir Monitoring (Amsterdam). (proceedings)
Carpentier S., Boullenger B., and Barros E. (2020). CCS monitoring by inversion of reservoir pressure and saturation changes from time-lapse AVO differences and time-shifts. In: Paper # 1837, 82nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2020, Amsterdam 2020. (proceedings)
Dupuy B., Torres V., Romdhane A., and Ghaderi A. (2018). Norwegian large-scale CO2 storage project (Smeaheia): baseline geophysical models. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-14). (abstract) (paper)
Dupuy, B., Romdhane, A., and Eliasson, P. (2018). Bayesian Inference In CO2 Storage Monitoring: A Way To Assess Uncertainties In Geophysical Inversions. In Fifth CO2 Geological Storage Workshop. (proceedings) (poster)
Dupuy B., Nordmann P.-L., Romdhane A., and Eliasson P. (2019). Bayesian rock physics inversion for CO2 storage monitoring. Fourth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics. (proceedings) (presentation)
Dupuy B, Romdhane A., Eliasson P., and Park J. (2019). Quantitative monitoring and uncertainties during multiphysics inversion. SEG Postconvention Workshop 11, San Antonio, 2019. (presentation)
Dupuy B. and Romdhane A. (2020), Pore pressure and saturation effects on geophysical observables. EAGE 82nd conference and exhibition. (extended abstract)
Dupuy B. and Romdhane A. (2020), Toward quantitative CO2 storage monitoring: estimation of pore pressure and saturation from geophysical inputs. Submitted to EAGE 1st Geoscience in Energy Transition Conference (proceedings).
Dupuy B., Romdhane A., Nordmann P.-L., and Eliasson P. (2021). Bayesian rock physics inversion: application to CO2 storage monitoring, Accepted for Geophysics (paper)
Eliasson P., Cerasi P., Romdhane A, White J.C., Schmidt-Hattenberger C., Carpentier S., Grimstad A.-A., and Lothe A.E. (2018). Pressure control and conformance management for safe and efficient CO2 storage – an overview of the Pre-ACT project. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-14). (poster) (paper)
Eliasson P., Ringstad C., Grimstad A.-A., Jordan M., and Romdhane A. (2018). Svelvik CO2 Field Lab: Upgrade And Experimental Campaign. In Fifth CO2 Geological Storage Workshop. (proceedings)
Eliasson P., Jordan M., Ringstad C., Raphaug M. and Hagby K. (2020). A CO2 monitoring experiment for pressure-saturation discrimination at the new Svelvik CO2 Field Lab. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. (presentation)
Eliasson P., Cerasi P, Romdhane A., White J.C., Schmidt-Hattenberger C., Carpentier S., Grimstad A.-A., Lothe A.E. (2020). Pressure control and conformance management for safe and efficient CO2 storage – lessons learned in the Pre-ACT project. Accepted for oral presentation at 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-15. (proceedings)
Emmel B., Bergmo P., Lothe A.E., and Eliasson P. CO2 sequestration potential of the Jurassic formations at Smeaheia fault block, Norwegian North Sea, evaluated by dynamic reservoir models. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (to be submitted).
Lothe A.E., Eliasson P., Bergmo P.E., and Emmel B. (2018). Effects of uncertainties in fault and seismic interpretations on CO2 storage pressure distribution and pressure control. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-14). (paper)
Lothe A.E., Emmel B.U., and Bergmo P. (2019). Heterogeneities in the reservoir models; effect on CO2 storage capacity and plume modelling in areas with pressure depletion. 10th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-10). (paper)
Lothe A.E., Bergmo P.E.S, Emmel B.U., Grimstad A.-A., and Eliasson P. (2020). How to evaluate and quantify safe CO2 storage? Workflow demonstration on the Smeaheia area, offshore Norway. Accepted for oral presentation at 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-15. (proceedings)
Lothe, A.E., Emmel., B., Lavrov, A., Cerasi, P.R. 2019: A review of fault modelling approaches. Fifth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals. Palermo, Italy, (proceedings)
Raab T., Weinzierl W., Wiese B., Rippe D., and Schmidt-Hattenberger C. (2020). Development of an Electrical Resistivity Tomography Monitoring Concept for the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab. Advances in Geosciences, adgeo-2020-42 (paper)
Ringstad C., Eliasson P., and Grimstad, A.-A. (2018). Re-Vitalization and Upgrade of the Svelvik CO2 Field Laboratory in Norway. In 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018. (proceedings)
Ringstad C., Jordan M., Eliasson P., Grimstad A.-A., Hagby K., Schmidt-Hattenberger C., Weinzierl W., Wiese B., and Wuestefeld A. (2019). Svelvik CO2 Field Lab: A small-scale laboratory for development of equipment and CO2 monitoring techniques. Proceedings, 10th International Trondheim CCS Conference -TCCS-10. (abstract)
Ringstad C., Røed M.H., Jestin C., Calbris G., Eliasson P., Jordan M., and Wüstefeld A.A. (2020). Multi-fibre optic sensing system for cross-well monitoring at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab. EAGE Fibre-optic workshop 2020. (proceedings)
Romdhane A., Querendez E., and Eliasson P. (2018). Surface Seismic Monitoring of Near Surface CO2 Injection at Svelvik-Synthetic Study. In 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. (abstract) (poster)
Romdhane A. and Eliasson P. (2018). Optimised geophysical survey design for CO2 monitoring – A synthetic study. In 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14). (paper)
Romdhane A., Barros E., Bergmo P.E.S., Leeuwenburgh O., and Grimstad A.-A. (2020). Quantitative decision analysis for CO2 storage conformance management: A synthetic case study at Smeaheia, North Sea. 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-15, Abu-Dhabi, UAE. (proceedings)
Schmidt-Hattenberger C., Weinzierl W., Wiese B., Zimmer M., Jordan M., Eliasson P., Ringstad C., Falk Hagby K., and Wuestefeld A. (2019). Monitoring concept for a CO2 migration experiment at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab. In 10th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage Trondheim 17-19 June 2019. (proceedings)
Vosper H., White J.C., and Gent C. (2018). Control Of Pressure Propagation In A Heterogeneous CO2 Storage Reservoir Using Water Production. In Fifth CO2 Geological Storage Workshop. (proceedings)
Weinzierl W., Wiese B., Jordan M., Schmidt-Hattenberger C., Eliasson P., Ringstad C., Lüth S., and Grimstad, A.-A. (2018). Pre-Operational Considerations In A Poro-Elastic Site Assessment For The Svelvik Field Lab. In Fifth CO2 Geological Storage Workshop. (proceedings)
Weinzierl W., Lüth S., Rippe D., Schmidt-Hattenberger C., and Wiese B. 2018. Rock Physics Driven Workflow for Pressure and Saturation Control in Quantitative CO2 Monitoring. In 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018. (proceedings)
Weinzierl W., Wiese B., Lüth S., Rippe D., and Schmidt-Hattenberger C. 2018. Pre-injection AVO conceptual modeling for the Svelvik CO2 field laboratory. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018 (pp. 2800-2804). Society of Exploration Geophysics. (proceedings)
Weinzierl W. and Wiese B., (2021). Deep Learning a Poro-Elastic Rock Physics Model for Pressure and Saturation Discrimination. Geophysics (paper)
Weinzierl W. and Wiese B., (2020, November). Deep Learning a Poro-Elastic Rock Physics Model for Pressure and Saturation Discrimination. In First EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition(Vol. 2020, No. 1, pp. 1-5) (proceedings)
Weinzierl W., Barros E., Grimstad A., Wiese B., Leeuwenburgh O., and Schmidt-Hattenberger C. (2020). Pre-injection Site Investigations in a Poro-elastic Description of the Svelvik Ridge. 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-15, Abu-Dhabi, UAE. (paper)
White J. (2019) UKCCSRC Biannual meeting, Cardiff April 2019. Assessing conformance in geological storage of CO2: the Pre-ACT project (presentation)
White J. (2019). How to determine if a CO2 storage site is performing as expected - quantitative conformance assessment tools developed by the Pre-ACT project. EU CCS Storage Research Projects Science-Policy Showcase, 10 September 2019, Brussels. (presentation)
White J.C. and Williams G. (2020) The convergence of monitoring and modelling to demonstrate conformance and understanding at European CO2 storage sites. 36th International Geological Congress, Delhi, India. 2 - 8 March 2020. (abstract)
Wiese B., Weinzierl W., and Schmidt-Hattenberger C. (2018). Towards a multiphysical model and inversion of the Ketzin CO2 storage site full operational period. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14). (paper)
Wiese B., Weinzierl W., Pilz P., Raab T., and Schmidt-Hattenberger C. (2020): Tiny diameter downhole pressure monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5584. (abstract)
Wuestefeld A. and Wilks M., 2019, How to twist and turn a fiber: Performance modeling for optimal DAS acquisitions. The Leading Edge, 38(3), 226-231, (paper)
Wuestefeld A. and Wilks M., 2019, Modelling Microseismic Event Detection and Location Capabilities with DAS Cables. 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019 (extended abstract)
Wuestefeld A. and Weinzierl W., 2020, Design considerations for using Distributed Accoustic Sensing for cross-well seismics: A case study for CO2 storage. Geophysical Prospecting, 68(6), 1890-1905 (paper)
Wuestefeld A., 2020 Corkscrew well paths for improved microseismic event locations with DAS recordings, Eights EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop / First EAGE Workshop on Induced Seismicity (proceedings)