Challenge 2017
PRINTCR3DIT contest presentation and goal
This European contest gives students and young researchers the opportunity to design and manufacture a chemical reactor that can be 3D printed and works for a simple and safe reaction. The most creative and educational reactor will be awarded.
The contest comes from the initiative of PRINTCR3DIT European H2020 Project consortium ( and aims at :
- introducing the concept of 3D printing to chemical engineering education,
- showing that 3D printing disruptive technologies can result in a new way of thinking the design of chemical reactors thus enhancing their capabilities (considering size, speed of chemical reactions,...)
registration is closed
- The contest is opened to high-school and post high-school students.
- Maximum number of people per team should be 4; gender balance is advised. Prize will be transferred to team leader who is solely responsible for sharing it with team members.
- Each student or team may submit only one entry
- The contestants should choose a simple chemical reaction and design the reactor. They only work on reactor design and apply simple, not dangerous nor toxic reactions for demonstration. More experienced researchers can also work with catalyst in addition to reactor. Here you can find an example of stl file reactor.
- The contestants should use the most common type of 3D printer. Choice of materials is left to the contestant but should be selected in line with the chemical reaction considered (compatibility).
Applicants should register in line on PRINTCR3DIT challenge web page. Current registration. - For final submission, contestants should provide : a YouTube video of 5 min maximum with English subtitles (even for native speakers) and a pdf document of 1 page (2sided, Times New Roman, 12, spacing 1) with the description of design, construction and operation phases; safety considerations; materials should be justified.
Film and document will be send to using free services like Dropbox ( or Wetransfer (
Jan Klusak is the first winner of the 3D printing contest of 2017! Congratulations Jan.

Read more about the award ceremony here.
rules and deadlines
Find here the Official contest rules
Current registration on PRINTCR3DIT Contest web page
May 31st, 2017, Midnight Oslo Time - Submission deadline : YouTube film and description document will be downloaded on PRINTCR3DIT Challange web page
The Jury will be made of a panel of academic and industrial members from different countries.
Projects will be judged using a point system based on 6 criterias: contestants will be evaluated based on design, creativity, feasibility in 3D printing, applicability for industrial use or education/teaching activities, safety and quality of explanations. Gender balance will be also considered in the evaluation.
One prize per level will be awarded to the best performing prototypes and widely advertised on European journals. All contestant will receive a certificate of participation.
Award will be an Ultimaker 2+printer, one of the advanced, accurate and reliable desktop 3D printers around.
For any further questions, please contact: