Critical infrastructures, public sector reorganization and societal safety (CISS).
The CISS project is executed by NTNU Social Research in cooperation with two SINTEF departments. The project studies how new organizational principles, associated with trends towards new public management and similar ideas, in the public sectors maintaining critical infrastructures affects societal safety. The critical lifelines of society are subjected to organizational changes that may pose radical challenges to their safe operation. This project seeks to investigate how these challenges are handled within the organizations operating three different infrastructures: Electric power supply, water supply and telecom. Status for the case studies:
We have also planned an activity in 2010 that will build on the findings from CISS and our sister project DECRIS, inspecting the changed roles of public agencies, like regulators, inspectorates and municipalities. For more information: |
Project description
Reports / papers
IKT - nye grensesnitt og nye sårbarheter Artikkel: The commoditization of societal safety Rapport: Restrukturering av norsk VA-bransje og konsekvenser for samfunnssikkerhet Presentasjon for norsk elsikkerhetskonferanse 20092810 (slideshow med animasjoner) Presentasjon for norsk elsikkerhetskonferanse 20092810 (pdf version) Notat om prosjektet så langt til SAMRISK konferansen okt 09 Fra forvaltning til forretning - Restrukturering av norske nettselskaper og konsekvenser for samfunnssikkerhet Draft to Paper based on literature study in electricity sector |