
Several meetings are arranged during the project work. Related to the case study of Oslo municipality, the following meetings have been arranged:

Oct. 6th, 2009 - Trondheim:
Seminar with NVE/DSB" on societal safety. Presentations of DECRIS/CISS and other projects. Agenda, Presentation of DECRIS, Presentation of CISS.

Feb. 12th, 2009 - Trondheim:
Seminar with project partners and stakeholders. Presentations and discussions of project case study results. Agenda and presentations.

Sept. 19th, 2008 - Oslo:
DECRIS project group meeting with representatives from Oslo municipality (Beredskapsgruppa). Agenda and Minutes of Meeting.

June 13th, 2008 - Oslo:
DECRIS project group meeting with representatives from Oslo municipality (Ressursgruppa). Presentation and discussion of the events selected for further detailed analyses. Agenda.

June 12, 2008 - Oslo:
Seminar arranged by DECRIS and Oslo municipality about "Sårbarhet og avhengigheter i kritisk infrastruktur" (Vulnerability and interdependencies in critical infrastructures). Agenda and presentations.
April 2nd, 2008 - Oslo:
DECRIS project group meeting with representatives from Oslo municipality (Ressursgruppa). Presentation of the preliminary hazard analyses for the infrastructures. Discussion of events for further detailed analyses.

Jan. 9th, 2008 - Oslo:
DECRIS project group meeting with representatives from Oslo municipality (Ressursgruppa). Presentation of participants, the project, the municipality, the risk analysis tool "InfraRisk", and work process.

Nov. 19th, 2007 - Trondheim:
DECRIS project group meeting with representatives from Oslo municipality (Beredskapsetaten). Establishment of case study group, and planning of work process.

Published August 29, 2007