Smart Energy Efficient Buildings
SmartBygg   (2003 - 2007)


The overall aim of the Smartbygg project was to develop new knowledge, integrated solutions, and technologies that would make it possible to cover our building-related energy needs with substantially less harmful environmental emissions, while still satisfying the whole range of end-user needs such as comfort, aesthetics, costs, operability, reliability and functionality. The knowledge, technologies, and products developed in the program should serve as a basis to strengthen education, research, economic growth, and sustainable development of Norwegian industry, community and individuals.



 Brundtland atrium

                       The Brundtland Centre low energy building, Photo: Esbensen


The main idea behind the project was that realising the ambitious goal mentioned above, would require inter-disciplinary co-operation. Thus, the participants in the project were made up of architects, building engineers, HVAC engineers, and social scientists. The project was organised in three main work packages:


WP 1: The users and the environment

WP 2: The building

WP 3: Energy systems.


Each of these work packages consists of a number of tasks that address specific challenges. Substantial effort has been put into the co-ordination of the tasks and work packages, to ensure that requirements, findings, and solutions are integrated and made available for industrial innovation as well as implementation.



                 This image has been resized. Click here to see the full sized image.


Professor Øyvind Aschehoug, at Department of architecture, history and technology, NTNU, has been the leader of the project. Senior researcher Inger Andresen, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure has been the co-ordinator and assistant project leader.


Work Package 1 was led by professor Knut H. Sørensen, at Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, NTNU, Work Package 2 was led by professor Anne Grete Hestnes, Department of Architecture, History and Technology, NTNU, and Work Package 3 was led by professor Vojislav Novakovic, Department of Energy and Process Engineering.







The main common task of the research group have been the production of the book “Smarte energieffektive bygninger” (Tapir Akademisk forlag 2007) and the arrangement of the conference “Fremtidens smarte energieffective bygg” where the main results of the project were presented. The conference encompassed 170 participants, and the inter-disciplinary target group of the project was well represented at the conference, which was attended by architects, engineers, contractors, developers, public agencies, and NGOs.






The book is expected to be a valuable source book for universities etc., as well as for practitioners.


Other interdisciplinary projects have been:

§  The development of user friendly CO2 heat pumps for heating and cooling of large buildings

§  The development of a smart energy-efficient facade concept

§  “Nettbygger” – A consultancy service for inter-disciplinary co-operation in the planning of smart energy efficient buildings.

§  Tools for integrated design and continuous commissioning


In addition, the Smartbygg project has produced the following tangible results:

§  22 papers in international journals with referee

§  58 peer-reviewed articles

§  7 books

§  48 presentations at international conferences

§  132 reports and presentations at national conferences

§  46 articles and presentations targeted at different user groups

§  16 dissemination actions targeted at the general public

§  9 features in mass media

§  5 new methods/models/prototypes

§  2 PhD and 3 Post Docs completed, 3 more PhDs to be completed in 2008.

§  At least 7 different companies have adopted new technologies and knowledge developed in the Smartbygg project.


Øyvind Aschehoug

Project Leader


Inger Andresen



Knut Holtan Sørensen

Leader Work Package 1


Anne Grete Hestenes

Leader Work Package 2


Vojislav Novakovic

Leader Work Package 3

Ulrik Wigenstad