WP3: Energy Systems


Project 3.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Systems


Project Leader: Senior Researcher Jørn Stene, SINTEF Energy Research.

  • Simultaneousness analysis for heating and ventilation systems
  • Development of a computer simulation model for analysis of secondary systems with radiators and ventilation coils in series/parallel.

Project 3.2 Heat Pumps


Project Leader: Senior Researcher Jørn Stene, SINTEF Energy Research.

  • Development of a prototype CO2 heat pump for heating and cooling of a large building (in co-operation with Statsbygg, Teknotherm AS and Shecco Technology).
  • Participation in IEA Heat Pump Programme Annex 29: “Ground-Source Heat Pumps Overcoming Technical and Market Barriers”
  • Analysis of ground water source heat pumps
  • Development of computer simulation program for CO2 heat pumps (CSIM).
  • PhD “Mathematical modelling of CO2-based heat-pumping systems” (Trond Andresen).

Example of graphical interface from CSIM



Project 3.3 Operation and Automation


Project Leader: Professor Vojislav Novakovic, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU.

  • Development of models for continuing commissioning of buildings HVAC systems for improved energy performance (PhD Johnny Holst)
  • Participation in IEA Annex 47 “Cost Effective Commissioning of Existing and Low Energy Buildings”.
  • Organization of national program for continuous commissioning for effective operation of buildings, www.sintef.no/pfk.


Continuous commissioning through the entire life-cycle of the building.



Project 3.4 Energy Storage


Project Leader: Dr. techn. Harald Gether, Department of Geology and Mineral Resource Engineering, NTNU.

  • Development and lab testing of ground source dynamic thermal storage system.
  • Simulation of thermal storage system integrated in the heating, cooling and ventilation system.
  • Preparations for full scale testing of the system in a building project.

Published January 1, 2009

Ulrik Wigenstad