Welcome by Nils A. Røkke |
Conference opening by Mr. Kjell -Bjørge Freiberg, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway |
Keynote 1: Myles Allen, Professor of Geosystem Science, Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics at University of Oxford |
Keynote 2: Liv Monica Stubholt, Partner Advokatfirmaet Selmer AS, Chairman of Board Oslo Fortum Varm |
Keynote 3: Tim Dixon, General Manager, IEAGHG |
Keynote 4: Trude Sundset, CEO, Gassnova, Norway |
Keynote 5: Stephen Bull, Senior Vice President, Equinor ASA, Norway |
Keynote 6: Oscar Graff, Vice President, Head of CCUS, Aker Solutions |
Keynote 7: Mona J. Mølnvik, Research Director, NCCS Centre Director, SINTEF Energy Research |
Opening address on wednesday, 19th June by Johan E. Hustad, Director NTNU Energy |
Keynote 8: Niall Mac Dowell, Reader in Energy Systems, Imperial College London |
Keynote 9: Andrea Gruber, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway |
Keynote 9: James Dawson, Professor, NTNU, Norway |
Keynote 10: Katherine Romanak, Research Scientist, The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology |
SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award winners lecture: Professor Roland Span of Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany |
In and around the conferece venue |
Torund Bryhn gives her speach presenting the new CCS to be Return CO2 |
Conference Dinner |