
Erik Lindeberg
Special Advisor, SINTEF

He has a PhD in Physical Chemistry 1981 from NTNU and been working at NTNU, Statoil, NBS (Washington DC) and many years at SNTEF. At present he is a Chief Scientist at CO2 Technology and Senior Adviser at SINTEF.

From 1986 he has been working on CCS as a large-scale option to mitigate climate change in most areas within this field. In the 90s geological storage has been the main research. He initiated the international research project on CO2 monitoring in the Sleipner CO2-storage project.  Leakage and safety have been main fields. Examples are work on diffusion induced instability in the water column creating convection which increase CO2 solubility rate and work to combined reservoir leakage modelling and climate modelling to demonstrate what the minimum retention time is needed to prevent future climate change due to leakage.