
Marco Mazzotti, PhD PhD h.c.
Professor, ETH Zurich

Marco Mazzotti is Professor of process engineering at ETH Zurich since 1997. He holds a Laurea (MSc) and a PhD, both in chemical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano. Before joining ETH Zurich, he worked five years in industry, and was Assistant Professor at the Politecnico di Milano.

He was coordinating lead author of the IPCC Special Report on CCS (2002-05), President of the International Adsorption Society (2010-13), Chairman of the Board of the Energy Science Center of the ETH Zurich (2011-17), and Chairman of the Working Party on Crystallization of the EFCE (2014-21). He was a contributor to the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 awarded to the IPCC). He was the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany (2014). He has been awarded a European Research Council Advanced Grant towards “Studying secondary nucleation for the intensification of continuous crystallization“ (2018-24). He received the SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award 2021. He is member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences and the coordinator of the project “Demonstration and Upscaling of Carbon Dioxide Management Solutions for a Net-Zero Switzerland”.

He has published about 450 papers with more than 25,000 citations, resulting in an H-index of 85 (Google Scholar). 60 doctoral students have graduated with him, and 15 doctoral students are currently advised by him.