CCS Award TCCS-6

The SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award 2011 has been given to:
Erik Lindeberg, SINTEF Petroleum Research
for his pioneering role in research on storing CO2 in geological strata. The Selection Committee emphasised that Lindeberg played a central role in producing the basic concept of storing CO2 from fossil-fuelled power stations in geological strata beneath the seabed, out of consideration for the climate. The Selection Committee also pointed out that his pioneering efforts have been of global significance.
The SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award in the press (in Norwegian):
- Mister CO2 fikk pris, Aftenposten
About the award:
The SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award is given to individuals for outstanding achievements within the field of carbon capture, transport and storage (CCS). The achievements can be within the following areas:
- Scientific contributions and breakthroughs
- Novel schemes for CCS
- Increased knowledge and dissemination of CCS
- Promoting and initiating CCS for pilot, demo and full scale
The award is given every second year in connection with The Trondheim Conference series on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (TCCS).
Please note that this is not an award for the best conference paper - but an award for outstanding achievements in CCS in general, independent of the presentations made at TCCS.
Criteria for the award:
- The award is given to an individual
- The contribution of the candidate shall be of outstanding excellence and international acknowledgement according to the above designated areas
- The candidate shall have played a key role in the contribution or achievement
Both Norwegian and international candidates are eligible for nomination.
Award instruments:
- Stipendium of NOK 25,000
- A plaque
- Free participation at the next TCCS conference
In addition, a designated 20 minutes slot will be made in the conference program for an Award Winner’s Lecture, on a CCS topic decided by the awardee.