100 tasks
Due to the way Li & Lim generated the test instances, the number of tasks in these instances are different and slightly higher than the nominal value.

Here you find instance definitions and the best known solutions (to our knowledge) for the 100 tasks instances of Li & Lim's PDPTW benchmark problems. The version reported here has a hierarchical objective: 1) Minimize number of vehicles 2) Minimize total distance. Distance and time should be calculated with double precision, total distance results are rounded to two decimals. Exact methods typically use a total distance objective and use integral or low precision distance and time calculations. Hence, results are not directly comparable.

For instance definitions, click here.

Best Known Results for PDPTW 100-cases

The instance names in blue are hyperlinks to files with corresponding detailed solutions. They have all been checked by our solution checker. Note that many best known solutions do not have a reference to a peer reviewed publication. For these, important details on the solution algorithm, the computing time, and the experimental platform are probably not available. Further, there is no guarantee that the solutions have been produced without using external information, such as detailed solutions published earlier.

Instance Vehicles Distance Reference Date
lc101s 10 828.94 Li & Lim 2001
lc102s 10 828.94 Li & Lim 2001
lc103s 9 1035.35 BVH 27-jun-03
lc104 9 860.01 SAM::OPT 11-apr-03
lc105s 10 828.94 Li & Lim 2001
lc106s 10 828.94 Li & Lim 2001
lc107s 10 828.94 Li & Lim 2001
lc108s 10 826.44 Li & Lim 2001
lc109q 9 1000.60 BVH 27-jun-03
lc201s 3 591.56 Li & Lim 2001
lc202s 3 591.56 Li & Lim 2001
lc203* 3 591.17 SAM::OPT 11-mar-03
lc204 3 590.60 SAM::OPT 08-mar-03
lc205s 3 588.88 Li & Lim 2001
lc206s 3 588.49 Li & Lim 2001
lc207s 3 588.29 Li & Lim 2001
lc208s 3 588.32 Li & Lim 2001
lr101s 19 1650.80 Li & Lim 2001
lr102s 17 1487.57 Li & Lim 2001
lr103s 13 1292.68 Li & Lim 2001
lr104s 9 1013.39 Li & Lim 2001
lr105s 14 1377.11 Li & Lim 2001
lr106s 12 1252.62 Li & Lim 2001
lr107s 10 1111.31 Li & Lim 2001
lr108s 9 968.97 Li & Lim 2001
lr109 11 1208.96 SAM::OPT 27-feb-03
lr110s 10 1159.35 Li & Lim 2001
lr111s 10 1108.90 Li & Lim 2001
lr112s 9 1003.77 Li & Lim 2001
lr201 4 1253.23 SAM::OPT 28-feb-03
lr202s 3 1197.67 Li & Lim 2001
lr203s 3 949.40 Li & Lim 2001
lr204s 2 849.05 Li & Lim 2001
lr205s 3 1054.02 Li & Lim 2001
lr206s 3 931.63 Li & Lim 2001
lr207s 2 903.06 Li & Lim 2001
lr208s 2 734.85 Li & Lim 2001
lr209 3 930.59 SAM::OPT 09-mar-03
lr210s 3 964.22 Li & Lim 2001
lr211 2 911.52 SAM::OPT 15-may-03
lrc101s 14 1708.80 Li & Lim 2001
lrc102 12 1558.07 SAM::OPT 19-feb-03
lrc103s 11 1258.74 Li & Lim 2001
lrc104s 10 1128.40 Li & Lim 2001
lrc105s 13 1637.62 Li & Lim 2001
lrc106 11 1424.73 SAM::OPT 28-feb-03
lrc107 11 1230.14 SAM::OPT 18-feb-03
lrc108 10 1147.43 SAM::OPT 28-feb-03
lrc201 4 1406.94 SAM::OPT 28-feb-03
lrc202s 3 1374.27 Li & Lim 2001
lrc203s 3 1089.07 Li & Lim 2001
lrc204 3 818.66 SAM::OPT 23-mar-03
lrc205s 4 1302.20 Li & Lim 2001
lrc206 3 1159.03 SAM::OPT 12-mar-03
lrc207 3 1062.05 SAM::OPT 04-jan-04
lrc208s 3 852.76 Li & Lim 2001

s: Detailed solution provided by SAM::OPT
q: Detailed solution provided by Q

* The value 585.56 reported by Li & Lim and also here earlier does not seem compatible with the optimal solution value 591.2 reported in Røpke's PhD Thesis (see R below). We thank Richard Kelly at Monash University for pointing this out. 



BVH - Bent, R. and Van Hentenryck. P. A: Two-Stage Hybrid Algorithm for Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (2003).

Li & Lim - Li H. and A. Lim: A MetaHeuristic for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Dallas, TX, USA, 2001.

Q - Quintiq. http://www.quintiq.com/optimization-world-records.aspx.

R - Ropke S. Heuristic and exact algorithms for vehicle routing problems. (2005) . Ph.D. thesis, Computer Science Department, University of Copenhagen (DIKU), Copenhagen

SAM::OPT - Hasle G., O. Kloster: Industrial Vehicle Routing Problems. Chapter in Hasle G., K-A Lie, E. Quak (eds): Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization. ISBN 978-3-540-68782-5, Springer 2007.

Published April 18, 2008