UbiCompForAll - Ubiquitous service composition for all usersIn the near future, intelligent objects and devices will become part of the environment where people live, providing information and offering services that can assist them in everyday life. In such settings, it is desirable that services offered to the users are meaningful (i.e. satisfy their tasks and needs). Intelligent environments should support the composition of partial information or service behaviours into comprehensive services that can achieve the user goals. Such composition should take place dynamically as new service opportunities arise, such as when new devices appear or as users enter new environments. Service discovery and composition should not require expert knowledge, but be manageable for ordinary users.
The idea of UbiCompForAll is about providing support to end users so they can easily compose service behaviours in ubiquitous service environments. UbiCompForAll will
The main challenge of UbiCompForAll is to come up with a comprehensive infrastructure that is sophisticated enough to handle the various aspects of user-driven service compositions (such as simplicity or robustness), while being intuitive enough for ordinary end-users.