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CampusGuide: World's first university with indoor navigation app
With its new "Campus Guide", the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is now the first university in the world where you can navigate from inside a building using a mobile phone.

Both students and visitors often get lost on the university's Gløshaugen campus, which at 350,000 m2 is the size of a small town. But now, a beta version of the university's innovative "Campus Guide" will show people where to go and how to get there. The service will go live on 31 August 2001 and will be available free for iPhone and Android users, and on the Web.

The application was developped by NTNU and Wireless Trondheim, both project partners in UbiCompForAll, and will be used as a test case for end-user service composition.

Read more about Campus Guide on NTNU news. You can find the Campus Guide at http://www.campusguiden.no.

Published August 31, 2011

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