General Information

How to get to Soria Moria 

To get to the center of Oslo from the Oslo airport Gardermoen (OSL), we recommend the Airport Express train to the Oslo central train station (Oslo S). It departs every 10 minutes, takes 20 minutes and costs NOK 160. A taxi costs some 500 for 1-4 persons, depending on the company. A taxi from the center of Oslo to Soria Moria should cost NOK 200-300. A taxi from Oslo airport Gardermoen to Soria Moria should cost NOK 690 (ask for fixed price). Subway (T-bane) Line 1 in the direction of Frognerseteren will take you to Voksenkollen station (penultimate stop) in some 30 minutes from the center. From there it is a 15 minutes walk to Soria Moria, see map. The street address of Soria Moria is Voksenkollveien 60, 0790 Oslo.

Extended stay in Oslo

For participants who want to extend their stay in Oslo, one alternative is to stay at the conference centre. Except for early arrivals on June 11, bookings for extra days at Soria Moria must be made by the participant. Hotels in the city center might be more suitable for some. For hotels in Oslo, see for instance Visit Oslo.

Please note that hotel rooms are scarce in Oslo, particularly in June. Please book as early as possible.

Oslo Information

For general information on Oslo, we refer to Visit Oslo. For average weather conditions (variance is large, so be prepared), see for instance MSN Weather for Oslo in June. The day is almost 19 hours long in Oslo in mid June, see for instance Heavens Above.

Published March 6, 2008