The ZAS project partners were gathered in Brussels at the end of May 2018 for a final review meeting. The consortium greatly acknowledges the invaluable support, useful contribution and encouragement from Project Monitor Marcel Meeus and Project Officer Martin Giebs.

The Second International Zinc-Air Battery Workshop (IZABW2) was hosted by the ZAS project in Trondheim in April 2018. The workshop included a welcoming reception at the historic site of Erkebispegården followed by an organ concert in the Nidaros Cathedral. Two exciting scientific days followed with the international delegates telling us interesting stories of their recent research with zinc-air rechargeable batteries.

The ZAS project is a consortium consisting of nine European partners joining forces to develop a cost efficient zinc-air secondary battery for efficient energy storage. The consortium represents the entire value chain from material developers and producers to battery manufacturer and end user. This combination provides a dynamic team with a keen awareness of the challenges related to turning laboratory scale developments into real innovation. The project is supported by the Horizon 2020 framework NMP program through a €6.6 million grant and will involve 650 person months of total work effort. The consortium consists of partners from five European countries; one university (DTU), four research institutes (SINTEF, CIDETEC, DLR and IEES), two SMEs (CERPOTECH and RMP) and two industrial companies (VMB and ABENGOA).
The project is supported by the Horizon 2020 framework NMP program.
Budget: €6.6 million.
Partners: one university (DTU), four research institutes (SINTEF, CIDETEC, DLR and IEES), two SMEs (CERPOTECH and RMP) and two industrial companies (VMB and ABENGOA).
Contact Info:
Project coordinator:
Mari Juel