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Information about the research project SARIL and workshop(s) on "Pathway(s) to reach Joint Vision”

On this page, we provide you with information about the objectives of the SARIL project and what the project and participation in the workshop entails for you.


The SARIL project is part of the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101103978, included in the call "HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-07 - New concepts and approaches for resilient and green freight transport and logistics networks against disruptive events (including pandemics)". The project is a collaboration between several European countries with partners from research, business, associations and authorities working with logistics. The project will develop holistic methodologies and tools for enabling infrastructure managers to assess the resilience of logistics networks and improve them to ensure appropriate ‘green resilience’ when expanding the infrastructure. And by providing logistics stakeholders with information about disruptions to assist in making the right decisions about moving cargo, evaluating and developing new mitigation measures, employing simulations to predict their effectiveness.  This project will focus on these solutions, by employing and developing three disruptive scenarios: Flooding and cyberattacks (Regional, Northern Italy), wildfires (National, Spain and Portugal) and pandemic and war (EU wide). In developing these scenarios, and for understanding among others risks, data availability and handling strategies of these disruptions, we wish to have workshops with relevant stakeholders connected to these three scenarios in their respective regions. 

Who is responsible for the research project?

The stakeholder involvement of the project is coordinated by the Mobility Department at SINTEF Community. But will collaborate with Port of Vigo, University of Vigo and CEMOSA in Spain, SIEC BADAWCZA LUKASIEWICZ - POZNANSKI INSTYTUT TECHNOLOGICZNY in Poland, Politecnico di Milano, AIPo in Italy, Fraunhofer EMI in Germany, Rangel in Portugal, and CSL in Poland (all partners of the project) for the collection, storage and processing of data in the respective countries. These institutions will have shared treatment responsibilities. 

Why have you been included in the study? 

You are asked to participate because you work as an infrastructure manager in transport or as a logistics stakeholder, stakeholder dependent on transport, or other stakeholder in the transport system, such as an association connected to these topics/system. Your contact information, was obtained from websites or via the project partners or advisory board of SARIL. 

What does the project mean for you?

Participation in this workshop means to partake in discussions about a data platform to handle disruptions, data sharing, data available, monitoring infrastructure and more. The workshop takes about three 2,5 hours, as informed in the invitation, and will be online. Several of the partners will be present to also present the project and preliminary results. 

You can object 

You can object to being included in this research project at any time, and you do not have to give a reason. All your personal data will then be deleted. There will be no negative consequences for you if you choose to object. 

Your privacy - how we store and use your information 

We will only use the information about you for the purposes we have described in this letter. We treat the information confidentially and in accordance with the privacy regulations. This means we will store notes and transcriptions on the Sharepoint only accessible by the partners, and with password access. Your name will not be recognisable in any publications. We however wish to use your organisation’s name in publications that will follow but then will not be directly linked to findings, only organisation type. Please let us know if you do not wish to have your organisation’s name on publications. 

What happens to your personal data at the end of the research project?

By the end of the project, which according to the schedule is 31.05.2026, your personal details like name and email address will be deleted from the Sharepoint, and only organisation name kept, as described above. 

What gives us the right to process personal data about you?

We are processing information about you because the research project is considered to be in the public interest, but you have the right to object if you do not wish to be included in the project.  

On behalf of SINTEF Community, Sikt – Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research, has assessed that the processing of personal data in this project is in accordance with the privacy regulations. 

Your rights

As long as you can be identified in the collected data, you have the right to:

  • object 
  • access the personal data registered about you
  • have personal data about you corrected/rectified, 
  • have personal data about you deleted, and
  • file a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority regarding the processing of your personal data.

If you have questions about the study, or would like to know more or exercise your rights, please contact:

at SINTEF Community,  leader of workpackage on stakeholder inclusion in SARIL  

If you have questions related to the assessment of this project by Sikt's data protection services, contact: 

Data protection services at e-mail () or by phone at: +47 73 98 40 40.

More about the SARIL project can be found here: https://saril-project.eu/ or you can contact project coordinator at Fraunhofer EMI  Köpke
