akvARENA arrangerer konferansen i samarbeid med Stiftelsen Nor-Fishing, Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet, Innovasjon Norge og Norges forskningsråd.
Arrangementet går av stabelen torsdag 18.august fra 12:00-19:00 (inkludert en mottagelse på Skansen kl 17:00). Vi oppfordrer alle som føler tilknytning til akvakultur, fra næring, forvaltning, forskning, frivillige organisasjoner og andre om å melde seg på konferansen. For påmelding og mer informasjon: www.sea2011.no
• Kristine Gramstad, State secretary in The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs in Norway: Environmental sustainability – a prerequisite for further growth.
• Alf Helge Aarskog, Chief Executive Officer, Marine Harvest ASA: Food-security and environmental issues; can the world manage without farming the oceans?
• Felipe Matias, Brazilian Secretary of Aquaculture Development and Executive Secretary of Aquaculture Network of Americas: Brazil – aquaculture production and conservation policies – is it possible to combine?
• Sadasivam Kaushik, Director of Research, French Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA): Increased food production and future demand for raw materials– bottlenecks and opportunities
• José Villalon Director Aquaculture Program, WWF : Standards for responsible aquaculture.
• Karl Almås, Director, SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture: Is technology the answer to increased aquaculture production?
• Rohana Subasinghe, Senior Aquaculture Officer Fisheries and Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO): Requirement and availability of feed input.
• Christopher Mann, Senior Officer and Director, Aquaculture Standards Project, Pew Environment Group: Marine Aquaculture, Sustainability and Certification