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About SINTEF Ocean

SINTEF Ocean conducts research and innovation related to ocean space for national and international industries. Our ambition is to continue Norway's leading position in marine technology and biomarine research. Many of the challenges of modern society can be solved through sustainable use of the ocean. Transport, food and energy production represent the backbone of ocean-based industries, and are also core areas for SINTEF Ocean. In addition, we focus on environmental technology, with one of the world’s leading professional environments in marine environmental technology. Through cooperation in the SINTEF group, we are also able to integrate our own expertise with expert technological knowledge from other industry sectors.

SINTEF Ocean employees

Research News

On the way to Sea Zero

On the way to Sea Zero

Hurtigruten has sailed along the coast of Norway for more than 130 years. Now, their voyage towards zero emission ships receives attention from all over the world.

World-leading maritime research centre opened

World-leading maritime research centre opened

Sustainable shipping and increased value creation in Norwegian industry are the goals for one of the world's largest maritime research centres. 60 of the project's partners met in Trondheim during the official launch.

Contact SINTEF Ocean

Switchboard: +47 464 15 000


Enterprise no.: 937 357 370

Postal address
Postboks 4762 Torgard
N-7465 Trondheim

Visiting addresses

  • Marinteknisk senter, Paul Fjermstadsvei 59, 7052 Trondheim
  • SINTEF Sealab, Brattørkaia 17 C, 7010 Trondheim
  • Torgardsveien 12, 7093 Tiller
  • Jonsvannsveien 82, 7050 Trondheim

Invoice address
Postboks 274, Alnabru
0614 OSLO

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