SINTEF expert list
All our expertise and research areas have dedicated contact persons. Get in touch for more information about how our experts can contribute to your project. We can also help the media with analysis and knowledge - search the expert list below.
- 3D bioprinting, and additive manufacturing (AM) for health/medicine applications in general
- 3D Measurements and Analysis
- Accident investigation and learning
- Acoustics in buildings
- Acoustics Research Centre
- Additive manufacturing (3D printing) for the building and construction sector
- Additive manufacturing (AM) – Materials and material properties
- Additive manufacturing (AM) – Processes and machines
- Additive manufacturing (AM) of spare parts and additive repair processes
- Additive, subtractive and hybrid production
- Advanced materials characterization and modeling
- Advanced packaging and interconnects
- Advanced reactor concepts for low cost CO2 capture
- Aerodynamic analysis of wind turbines and windfarms
- AI for Time Series Analysis
- Air Traffic Management Architecture
- Aircraft Noise
- Algorithms for Digital Twins in Additive Manufacturing (AM)
- Alloy development and related heat treatments
- Aluminium
- Ancillary system services
- Applied ecology
- Applied Spectroscopy
- Applied superconductivity
- Approximate algebraic geometry
- Aquaculture constructions
- Architecture, Aesthetics and Building Tradition
- Arctic Constructions
- Assessment Body (ABo)
- Automatic differentiation
- Automation and artificial intelligence for data analysis and cultivation of low-trophic species
- Automation and efficient production
- Automation and robotization
- Autonomous Transport Systems
- Barrier management
- Battery Materials Characterization
- Battery materials development
- Bidding strategy optimisation in the electricity markets
- Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for transport
- Biofuels
- Biological modelling for cultivation of low-trophic species
- Biological recycling of biosludge (Circular bioeconomy)
- Biological recycling of nutrient wastes
- Biomedical Technology
- Biopharmaceuticals, medical technology and nanomedicine
- Biorefinery
- Borehole stability
- Building Engineering
- Building Ventilation
- Business economics
- Cable Technology
- Carbon negative solutions
- Casting and forming
- Catalysis
- CCS Value Chain
- Ceramic materials
- Certification IEC 61508
- CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
- CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Characterization of silicon for solar cells and microelectronics
- Chemical engineering unit operations and process plants
- Circular value chain optimisation
- Clean water research
- CO2 as working fluid
- CO2 capture – Absorption Processes
- CO2 capture and transport
- CO2 capture plant emission measurements
- CO2 capture using solid adsorbents at low temperatures
- CO2 capture with membranes
- CO2 Condensation
- CO2 storage simulation
- CO2-capture: Process modelling and simulation
- Combinatorial optimization
- Combustion and Burner Technology
- Combustion processes for CO2 capture technolgy
- Communication acoustics
- Communication in Aviation
- Communication systems and security
- Composite and polymer materials
- Computational Design
- Computational Geometry
- Concrete - Product development
- Concrete: Construction analysis and construction testing
- Concrete: Curing technology and crack control
- Concrete: Documentation of materials and products
- Concrete: Durability, field investigations, and rehabilitation
- Condition and Damage Analysis - Buildings
- Consistent discretization of elliptic operators
- Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)
- Corrosion
- Co-simulation of maritime systems
- Cost-benefit analysis for road and transport
- Cultivation of low-trophic animals
- Data analysis
- Data assimilation
- Data Pipelines
- Data science
- Data Space and Ecosystems
- Data-Driven Digital Twins
- Decision support for marine operations
- Decision support in energy and environmental management
- Decision support in health care
- Decision support systems
- Decision support systems
- Deep learning on Images, Videos and 3D data
- Design and Verification of Offshore Wind Turbines
- Design for the fisheries and aquaculture industry
- Design in Health Research
- Design Research
- Designated Body (DeBo)
- Detailed process modelling
- Development and Evaluation of Solutions for the Transport System
- Digital Inclusion
- Digital Twin
- Digital Twins in Aviation
- Digitalisation in the process industry
- Digitalisation in transport
- Digitalization of hydropower
- Direct Electric Heating of pipelines (DEH)
- Discriminatory bias
- Distribution in the power system
- Domestic hot water
- Downstream processing – Product isolation, purification and characterization
- Drinking water
- Drones and Robotics
- Drying
- Drying of food
- Durability and Service Life of Building Materials
- Earth electrode systems
- Eco-design of PV components
- Eco-friendly Demolishing and Recycling of Building Materials
- Electric and hybrid marine power systems
- Electric transport
- Electrical charging infrastructure
- Electrical distribution generation and prosumers
- Electrical energy conversion
- Electrical insulation systems and materials
- Electrolysis
- Electrotechnical computation
- Emissions and Environment
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- Energy flexibility in Buildings
- Energy systems analysis
- Energy use in buildings
- Environment, quality and food safety
- Environmental acoustics
- Environmental and system analyses/LCA
- Environmental Biotechnology and Microbiology
- Environmental consequences of renewable energy production
- Environmentally Friendly Transport
- Experience data
- Explainable AI
- Exploitation of solar heat
- Failure investigations
- Fate and effects of pollutants
- Fatigue and fracture
- Feedstock and process
- Ferroalloys
- Ferrofluid and nanofluid heat transfer
- Field studies
- Field surveys and measurements - Buildings
- Finite Element Methods (FEM)
- Fire safety in buildings
- First feeding of marine fish and shellfish
- Fish migration
- Fisheries data analysis
- Fishing gear technology
- Flexible distribution grid
- Flow assurance
- Flow batteries
- Flow phenomena
- Fluid and surface chemistry
- Fluidized bed reactor technology
- Food and Feed Microbiology and Biochemistry
- Formation as a self-sealing barrier
- Formation Physics
- Frameworks for ICT in Transport
- Freight Transport and City Logistics
- Fry and plankton technology
- Fuel cells
- Fuel Characterization and Emissions
- Functional metagenomics and enzyme technology
- Functional safety
- Gas and Air Monitoring
- Gasification
- Geo Resources
- Geomechanics for CCS
- Geomodelling
- Geophysics
- Geotechnics
- Geothermal energy systems
- Global health and welfare
- GPU computing
- Greenhouse gas accounting in hydropower generation
- Grid connection of offshore wind farms
- Health and care technology
- Health and Performance technology
- Health services research
- Heat Exchange
- Heat Pump Technology
- Heat to Power Conversion
- High temperature heat pump (industrial heat pumps)
- High temperature materials
- High throughput screening
- High-resolution schemes for conservation laws
- Human factors
- Human Performance in Aviation
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- HVDC transmission
- Hybrid modelling
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Hydrogen purification by adsorption processes
- Hydrogen technology and energy storage
- Hydropower reservoirs
- Hydrothermal liquefaction - HTL
- ICT for Transport and Logistics
- Image analysis
- Image guided therapy
- Improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings
- Independent Safety Assessment (ISA)
- Indoor Climate
- Industrial acoustics
- Industrial Biotechnology - Efficient strains and processes
- Industrial scale flow loop services
- Information Security
- Injectivity
- Innovation in the Health Sector
- Inorganic membranes, membrane modules and membrane reactors
- Instrumentation for harsh environment
- Integral system analysis
- Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA)
- Integrated Water Management
- Integration of batteries in the electricity grid
- Intelligence for transport
- Intelligent Autonomy
- Interaction between fishing gear and marine installations
- Interaction DSO/TSO/customer
- International negotiations arenas and global environmental politics
- International relations and geopolitics
- Investment decisions in infrastructure
- Iron and steel
- Isogeometric Analysis (IGA)
- KILE – Regulation of quality of supply – Quality dependent revenue caps (CENS)
- Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies
- Land and sea cultivation of macroalgae
- Lean
- Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings (LCA)
- Lifecycle and decommissioning
- Light harvesting and alternative solar technologies
- Li-ion batteries
- Liquefaction of hydrogen
- LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
- Local heating and cooling plants
- Local Wind Prediction
- Logging through casing
- Logistics and transport solutions for offshore wind
- Long-lived systems-of-systems
- Machine learning
- Machine learning in the loop
- Management of water and sewer infrastructure
- Marine biotechnology
- Marine Biotechnology and bioprospecting
- Marine ICT
- Marine modelling
- Marine Operations for Installation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines
- Marine operations in aquaculture
- Maritime Energy Systems
- Maritime Transportation Systems
- Market based handling of imbalances
- Mass spectrometry and separation science in Biotechnology
- Material technology
- Materials and drilling technology
- Materials characterization
- Materials for wind energy
- Materials integrity
- Mathematical optimization
- Measurement of voltages and currents
- Mechanics and structural engineering
- Medical Sensors and BioMEMS
- Medical Software Development
- Medical Technology
- Metal-air batteries
- Metallurgy
- Micro Optics
- Microalgae production
- Microdosimetry
- Microgrids
- Minerals and raw materials
- Modelling of sustainable energy systems
- Modelling, analysis and artificial intelligence
- Models and tools for rock behaviour
- Modern Data Acquisition
- Monitoring and Modelling
- Mooring, Dynamic Positioning and Operations
- Motion Planning
- Multi-actor analysis and co-production of knowledge
- Multi-level governance analysis
- Multi-market planning
- Multiphase flow
- Multiscale Electrochemical Modelling and Simulation
- Multiscale reservoir simulation
- Nanomedicine
- Nanotechnology and functional materials
- Nanotechnology for EOR
- Nature-based Climate Solutions
- Navigation, positioning and localization
- Neuromorphic computing
- Nonlinear preconditioning
- Notified Body (NoBo)
- Numerical modelling of CO2 storage
- Numerical simulation of reservoir processes
- Offshore Structures
- Offshore wind operation and maintenance
- Oil and gas conversion technology
- Oil spill research
- Oil, Gas, Water Separation
- Open Transport Data
- Open-source simulators
- Operation and management
- Operational strategy and improvement
- Optical instrumentation
- Optical MEMS
- Optimization
- Optimization in Aviation
- Optimization in Energy
- Optimization in Finance
- Optimization in Health Care
- Optimization in Maritime Transportation
- Optimization in Multimodal Transport
- Optimization in Railways
- Optimization in Resilience and Emergency Management
- Optimization in Road-based Transportation
- Optimization in Sports
- Optimization of Buildings and Infrastructure
- Paleo-residual oil
- Pedestrians and Cyclists
- Photocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry
- Physical Internet for freigh transport
- Physics Informed Machine Learning
- Piezoelectric materials for sensors, actuators and ultrasound transducers
- Piezoelectric Microsystems
- Pipelines, Risers and Cables
- Planning and Building Legislation
- Plastics in the ocean
- Plastics, rubbers and composites
- Plugging materials
- Polymer particles and capsules
- Poromechanics
- Porous Materials
- Power distribution system - Distribution grid analysis
- Power Electronics
- Power electronics for subsea applications
- Power markets
- Power quality
- Power system measurements and troubleshooting
- Primary metals production
- Probabilistic AI and Uncertainty Quantification
- Process and flow technology
- Process and gas technology
- Process modelling
- Process optimization
- Process Safety – Subsea gas release
- Product Documentation - Buildings
- Product testing and analysis
- Production systems and control
- Products and product performance
- Public Transport
- Pyrolysis
- Radiation sensors
- Recycling / Urban mining
- Recycling during solar processing
- Reduced Flood Challenges with Hydropower
- Refrigeration systems for food processing
- Rehabilitation of hydropower plants
- Reinforcement learning
- Reliability of safety critical equipment
- Reliable Power Electronics
- Renewable energy
- Reports, market and industry analysis
- Reservoir characterization and monitoring
- Reservoir fluid analyses
- Reservoir management optimization
- Risers and pipelines
- Risk and Vulnerability
- Risk-based asset management of power networks and hydropower plants
- Road User Behaviour
- Robot Vision
- Robust AI
- Robust Optics for Image Sensing
- Robust structures
- Safe and Secure Aviation
- Safe Communication
- Safe Embedded Platforms
- SafeScrum
- Safety and risk management in aquaculture
- Safety case
- Safety Courses
- Safety management
- Salmon lice
- Sand and chalk production
- Sanitary Engineering and Wetroom Systems
- Satellite Navigation
- Scalability analysis
- Seakeeping and manouvering
- Security of Electricity Supply
- Self-healing materials
- Semantic technologies
- Sensor-based robotics
- Sensors for monitoring electrical power components
- SF6
- Shale rock physics
- Shallow drilling database
- Ship resistance, Propulsion and Hull Design
- Signal processing and machine learning
- Silicon
- Simulation and Training
- Simulation and Training of Health Professionals
- Simulation tools for additive manufacturing (AM)
- SINTEF ACE - RoboticLab
- Smart Cities
- Smart Cities ICT
- Smart energy management ICT
- Smart meters
- Smart transport ICT
- SmartSeas
- Social Safety and Security
- Software Process Improvement and Knowledge Management
- Solar cells
- Solar heat in industrial processes (SHIP)
- Solidification of Silicon for Solar Cells
- Speed trials and field measurements
- Status inspection of power lines
- Stormwater
- Stormwater modeling
- Strategy and Business Development
- Structural Engineering - Buildings
- Structural integrity analyses of dynamic power cables
- Sub sea factory
- Subsea - Offshore Power Supply
- Subsea power electronics
- Subsea release of CO2
- Sustainability assessment
- Sustainability transitions in transport systems
- Sustainable marine production
- Sustainable Mobility
- Sustainable polymer technolgies
- Sustainable Regional Development
- Sustainable use of concrete
- Switchgear Technology and Short Circuit Testing
- Synthesis and characterization of inorganic powder materials
- Synthesis of inorganic materials
- Synthetic data
- Synthetic Data Generation
- System Safety
- System Safety Research
- Systems and synthetic biology
- The digital value chain for additive manufacturing (AM)
- The electrical power market
- Thermal energy storage
- Thermal system modelling
- Thermodynamics
- Thermoelectric materials for sensors, cooling and utilizing waste heat
- Torrefaction
- Transformers
- Transmission systems
- Transport Models and Analysis
- Transport planning in cities
- Transport Safety
- Transportation planning
- Travel Behaviour
- Tribology
- Trustworthy Green IoT Software
- Tunnel and Underground Technology
- Turbulence Forecasting – Terrain, building and wing induced
- Ultra-pure silicon for solar cells
- Ultrasound and Image Guided Therapy
- Uncertainty
- Uncertainty quantification
- Underground Gas Storage
- Universal design - Buildings
- Usability and Accessibility - Buildings
- User Journeys and Customer Journey Modeling Language (CJML)
- User participation in building processes
- Utilization of wastewater heat and CO2 for use in aquaculture