In this report we first draw a picture of a typical emergency response situation with focus on the roles and resources involved. Then, we go into more details on the local command post and operational area, describing characteristics, users, equipment, needs and requirements, information flow and communication, and the challenges for ICT systems that follow from this. Finally, we give some examples of possible non-intrusive ICT support for mobile personnel in an avalanche operation. The contents of this report was originally presented as a position paper at the workshop ""Mobile Information Technology for Emergency Response"" at the ISCRAM 2009 Conference, Gothemburg, May 10, 2009
Oppdragsgiver: EMERGENCY-prosjektet støttet av Norges Forskningsråd, p.nr. 187799/S10
Oppdragsgiver: EMERGENCY-prosjektet støttet av Norges Forskningsråd, p.nr. 187799/S10