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Shipping can make 75% GHG cuts by 2050 using existing tech


Shipping can make 75% GHG cuts by 2050 using existing tech

in International Shipping News,Shipping: Emission Possible 01/06/2017

Sleeker hulls, bigger ships, efficient operations and the use of sustainable biofuels can ensure the shipping sector radically cuts its greenhouse gas footprint by mid-century, says a new study published in the journal Transportation Research.

Work by a team of Norwegian scientists identified six groups of measures based on existing technologies with high mitigation potential: hull design; economy of scale; power and propulsion; speed; fuels and alternative energy sources; weather routing and scheduling.

“Emissions can be reduced by more than 75%, based on current technologies and by 2050, through a combination of measures if policies and regulations are focused on achieving these reductions. In terms of emissions per freight unit transported, it is possible to reduce emissions by a factor of 4–6,” they found.

Their results indicate that novel hull design can contribute considerably to CO2 emissions reduction. Additional measures such as light-weighting, hull coating and lubrication can contribute to improving the performance of hulls further, but their potential as sole measures are limited.

“Significant reduction potentials can be achieved by swift adoption and combination of a large number of individual measures, as no single measure is sufficient by itself. It is possible to reduce GHG emissions by a factor of 4 to 6 per freight unit transported based on current technologies within 2050,” said study co-author Dr Elizabeth Lindstad from the Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute.




  • Research Council of Norway (RCN) / 237917
  • Research Council of Norway (RCN) / 237917/030




  • Elizabeth Lindstad


  • SINTEF Ocean / Energi og transport





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