Local energy solutions such as the utilization of local renewable energy resources, and increased energy efficiency, are important for being able to reduce European greenhouse gas emissions to amounts that are in line e.g. with a 2 degree global warming. In the long run, emission levels are affected by many factors including energy system operations, investment decisions, policy instruments, social acceptance for environmental policy, amongst others. Thus, it is not trivial to calculate the full impacts of e.g. 1 TWh extra renewable energy produced locally. Still, it is possible to elaborate on and reveal important mechanisms, which will increase our understanding of those. This report present a plan for European power market studies to be carried out within the FME ZEN. The overall intention with the planned studies is not to provide more accurate numerical calculations than in previous studies, but rather to show how numerical results are affected by which economic mechanisms that are included in such studies. Thus, the studies shall be a basis for creating increased mutual understanding of arguments within FME ZEN.