SPHINCSS is a new Researcher Project funded by the Research Council of Norway, planned to run in the period 2017-2019. It is a joint project between SPR and NGI, involving Statoil as industry observer. Statoil will provide shale cores to the project and advice on choice of field-relevant scenarios for the reservoir-scale geomechanical modelling planned in the project. A Post-doc at NTNU will be supervised by RuneHolt (NTNU). Collaboration with international experts on geomechanics and geochemistry is also included, with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (SusanCarroll), Curistec (Axel-PierreBois) and Ecole des Ponts (Jean Sulem). As the project title implies, the project's ambition is to de-risk CCS by advancing knowledge on expected underground stress changes when CO2 is injected in different cases, aquifer and depleted oil/gas field. Additionally, the project will investigate implications of these stress changes on geophysical monitoring.