Interrelationship between “independent” elastic anisotropy moduli, enables anisotropic models to be applied when anisotropic input data are lacking.
This is rooted in common texture of clay-rich shale.
Operational relevance: Borehole stability, hydraulic fracturing and geomechanical modelling of overburden stress & pore pressure changes due to depletion or injection.
It is not necessary to assume isotropic behavior of shale, even if you do not have enough data.
The level of sophistication can easily be increased through rock physics understanding and advances in the correlation business (also known as AI or ML).
Educated “simulators” are required to contribute to better practice in field studies.
This is rooted in common texture of clay-rich shale.
Operational relevance: Borehole stability, hydraulic fracturing and geomechanical modelling of overburden stress & pore pressure changes due to depletion or injection.
It is not necessary to assume isotropic behavior of shale, even if you do not have enough data.
The level of sophistication can easily be increased through rock physics understanding and advances in the correlation business (also known as AI or ML).
Educated “simulators” are required to contribute to better practice in field studies.