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SAFESUB: Safe and Autonomous Subsea Intervention


The demand for autonomous robotic solutions capable
of operating in complex and dangerous environments
– such as those found in inspection and maintenance (I&M)
operations – is growing. However, the success of autonomous
system deployments relies heavily on their actual and humanperceived
safety. Current AI-based predictions often lack robust
uncertainty handling, which could lead to catastrophic outcomes.
In the SAFESUB project, we address this gap by developing
a framework for reliable uncertainty estimation and control
throughout a sensing, perception, and control pipeline for autonomous
uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV) interventions.
In this paper, we present the overall SAFESUB concept, detail
relevant opportunities (use cases) and research challenges for
future autonomous UUV intervention in I&M operations, and
outline our preliminary results and next steps for the SAFESUB
concept components: 1) A novel 3D underwater camera system
with built-in uncertainty estimation of sensor data, 2) a basis
for perception for 6-DOF pose estimation and corresponding
uncertainty, and 3) an uncertainty-aware UUV intervention
architecture designed for risk reduction in operations. The
components are under development, and details will be shared
in subsequent component-specific papers as the purpose of this
paper is to give a project-wide overview and promptly share the
SAFESUB concept. The paper also explores the state of the art
on underwater sensing, perception, and intervention techniques,
and provides a categorization of UUV operation concepts.
Index Terms—Autonomous I&M robotics, uncertainty quantification,
underwater vehicles, sensing, perception, intervention.


Academic lecture


  • Research Council of Norway (RCN) / 338647





  • SINTEF Digital / Mathematics and Cybernetics
  • SINTEF Digital / Smart Sensors and Microsystems
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • SINTEF Ocean / Aquaculture
  • IKM Subsea AS
  • Imenco AS

Presented at

20th ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications


Genova, Italy


02.09.2024 - 04.09.2024





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