A standardized bench-scale weathering study has been performed on two Buzzard crude
oils from the main field and the northern terrace manifold (NTM), respectively. The
laboratory data of the crude oils are input to the SINTEF Oil database for further OSCAR
(oil drift and response model) simulations. In addition, predictions of oil weathering properties by using the Oil Weathering Model (OWM) have been conducted at 5 and 15°C with varying wind speeds (2-15 m/s).
Note that OSCAR simulations have not been included in this project.
oils from the main field and the northern terrace manifold (NTM), respectively. The
laboratory data of the crude oils are input to the SINTEF Oil database for further OSCAR
(oil drift and response model) simulations. In addition, predictions of oil weathering properties by using the Oil Weathering Model (OWM) have been conducted at 5 and 15°C with varying wind speeds (2-15 m/s).
Note that OSCAR simulations have not been included in this project.