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Energy systems integration and sector coupling in future ports: A qualitative study of Norwegian ports


Ports will play an important role in the decarbonisation of maritime transport towards 2050, and for the energy transition in a larger perspective. In this context, options for integrating multiple energy carriers and end-user sectors are seldom addressed. This study aims at qualitatively assessing the energy transition in Norwegian ports, centred around energy supply to the maritime sector, but with a particular focus on sector coupling and energy system integration. To elaborate on plausible energy systems in ports towards 2050, four exploratory scenarios were designed, driven by a low or high techno-economic and socio-technical development. Four case ports were selected for the scenario assessment, differing in ship traffic, ownership, location, port activities, nearby industries, current energy carriers, and ambition level for energy transition.
The assessment of the four case ports reveals many options for energy and sectoral interactions. Following the electrification of maritime and road transport, as well as the port itself and nearby industries, it was shown that sector coupling facilitates renewable power production in all case port. A more complex multi-energy carrier integration, e.g., between electricity, heat and hydrogen, is of special relevance for ports located near offshore wind establishments and heat demanding sectors like aquaculture industry or buildings with central heating. Here, sector coupling could trigger hydrogen production in the port area, and thereby enable hydrogen supply to ships. Concludingly, energy and sectoral interactions contribute towards a decarbonised, flexible and efficient port energy system, however, the benefit depends on port characteristics and energy transition scenarios.
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Academic article


  • Research Council of Norway (RCN) / 328679
  • Research Council of Norway (RCN) / 327024




  • SINTEF Energy Research / Termisk energi
  • SINTEF Energy Research / Elkraftteknologi
  • Det Norske Veritas AS
  • SINTEF Digital / Technology Management



Published in

Applied Energy







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