In this paper a platform for developing and testing Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) applications is presented. The fundamental idea is that individual applications operate as microservices. Each application access and process data (e.g. data from Phasor Measurement Units) and produces results which can be further elaborated by other microservices, or directly presented to the operators. Streaming of data between microservices is handled by a Kafka streaming server which handles the complete information flow.The platform has been tested both on data streams from a lightweight real-time simulator (with hundreds of measurement channels), and on PMU streams generated from recorded data from the Nordic system (with thousands of measurement channels). The platform is characterized by low need of computational resources and easy installation (only requiring basic Python programming skills). Experience from this work indicates that the chosen approach is suitable for streamlining the process of development and testing of WAMPAC applications, with the aim of raising the technology readiness level of already existing applications in the literature or for future applications.