Supersaturation due to hydropower development has become a significant focus in
research and development as a threat to the ecosystem downstream of hydropower plant
outlets. In the DeGas project a numerical model has been set up to model Total Dissolved
Gas (TDG) transportation along open flows. Establishing and applying a generalized model
that can be easily applied to different case studies is necessary for 1) characterizing the
mixing and natural degassing of TDG in regulated rivers with different setups, and 2)
discussing potential mitigation measures to reduce TDG content in rivers. Based on a
previous DeGas product, a finite difference method was selected as the most applicable
method for simulating TDG transport in Norwegian rivers. The current report focuses on
the application and generalization of the model by applying it in study sites in Otra River
and Skibotn River.
research and development as a threat to the ecosystem downstream of hydropower plant
outlets. In the DeGas project a numerical model has been set up to model Total Dissolved
Gas (TDG) transportation along open flows. Establishing and applying a generalized model
that can be easily applied to different case studies is necessary for 1) characterizing the
mixing and natural degassing of TDG in regulated rivers with different setups, and 2)
discussing potential mitigation measures to reduce TDG content in rivers. Based on a
previous DeGas product, a finite difference method was selected as the most applicable
method for simulating TDG transport in Norwegian rivers. The current report focuses on
the application and generalization of the model by applying it in study sites in Otra River
and Skibotn River.