GoTools Intersections Library Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Go::Alg2DElemStruct that represents a monomial in two variables
Go::Alg3DElemStruct that represents a monomial in three variables
Go::AlgObj2DIntClass for 2-dimensional algebraic intersection objects
Go::AlgObj3DIntClass for 3-dimensional algebraic intersection objects
Go::AlgObjectIntThis class is a purely abstract base class, providing an interface to the algebraic intersection objects
Go::BoundaryFunctionIntThis struct is a helper struct that bundles boundary information for an object of type ParamFunctionInt
Go::BoundaryGeomIntThis struct is a helper struct that bundles boundary information for an object of type ParamGeomInt
Go::BoundaryIntersectionDataHelper struct to be used with IntersectionPool::intersectAlongCommonBoundary()
Go::CachedIntervalHelper struct for saving bracketed bounds of influence areas
Go::ComplexityInfoThis class contains statistical information used to check whether an intersection problem is simplified during recursive subdivision
Go::CvCvIntersectorClass that performs intersection between two parametric curves
Go::CvPtIntersectorThis class performs intersection between a parametric curve and a point
Go::CylinderIntClass for cylindrical algebraic intersection objects
Go::DegeneratedIntersectionCurveIntersectionCurve that is degenerated into a single point
Go::GeomObjectIntThis class is an abstract base class providing an interface to the "intersection objects"
Go::GeoTolClass handling various tolerances
Go::InterpolatedIntersectionCurveIntersectionCurve that is defined by Hermite interpolation of a number of guidepoints
Go::IntersectionCurveObject describing the curve that results from an intersection of two geometrical objects
Go::IntersectionLinkThis class represents a link between two intersection points
Go::IntersectionPointObject describing a point located on the intersection of two geometrical objects
Go::IntersectionPoolClass providing access to the intersection points and surfaces related to a particular subproblem
Go::IntersectorThis class is an abstract class providing an interface to the intersection functionality in GoTools
Go::Intersector2ObjThis class is an abstract class providing an interface to the intersection functionality in GoTools
Go::IntersectorAlgParThis class is an interface class used to compute the intersection between an algebraic object and a parametric object
Go::IntersectorFuncConstThis class is an interface class for finding the intersection between a parametric function (with range R) and a constant
Go::IntPtInfoStruct that holds diagnostic information about an intersection point
Go::IsoparametricIntersectionCurveIntersectionCurve defined by an isoparametric curve that can be picked from the underlying object
Go::Line2DIntClass representing an algebraic line in 2-dimensional space
Go::NonEvaluableIntersectionCurveIntersectionCurve that cannot be evaluated
Go::Par0FuncIntersectorThis class is performing intersections between two constants
Go::Par1FuncIntersectorThis class is performing intersections between a 1-dimensional parametric curve and a constant
Go::Par2FuncIntersectorThis class is performing intersections between a 1-dimensional parametric surface and a constant
Go::Param0FunctionIntThis is a class that represents the "intersection object" of a scalar (a "0-variate" function)
Go::Param1FunctionIntClass that represents an "intersection object" of a parametric curve of dimension 1
Go::Param2FunctionIntClass that represents the "intersection object" of a parametric surface of dimension 1
Go::ParamCurveIntThis class represents the "intersection object" of a parametric curve
Go::ParamFunctionIntThis class is a base class providing an interface to the parametric "intersection objects" with 1-dimensional range
Go::ParamGeomIntThis class is a base class providing an interface to the parametric "intersection objects"
Go::ParamObjectIntThis class is a base class providing an interface to the "intersection objects"
Go::ParamPointIntClass representing the "intersection object" of a parametric curve
Go::ParamSurfaceIntClass that represents the "intersection object" of a parametric surface
Go::PlaneIntClass representing planar algebraic intersection objects
Go::PtPtIntersectorThis class performs intersection between two points
Go::raw_pointer_comp< T >
Go::SfCvIntersectorThis class performs intersection between a parametric surface and a parametric curve
Go::SfPtIntersectorThis class performs intersection between a parametric surface and a point
Go::SfSelfIntersectorThis class finds self-intersections for a parametric surface
Go::SfSfIntersectorThis class performs intersection between two parametric surfaces
Go::SingularityInfoThis class contains information about singularities in an intersection problem
Go::SphereIntClass representing spherical algebraic intersection objects
Go::Spline1FunctionIntClass that represents the "intersection object" of a spline curve of dimension 1
Go::Spline2FunctionIntThis class represents the "intersection object" of a spline surface of dimension 1
Go::SplineCurveIntClass representing the "intersection object" of a spline curve
Go::SplineSurfaceIntThis class represents the "intersection object" of a spline surface

Generated on Fri Nov 23 12:24:33 2007 for GoTools Intersections Library by  doxygen 1.5.1