Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- SWMMLIDopt: a tool for optimization of low-impact development (LID) measures using the SWMM model Les publikasjonen
- The “Water Smartness and Sustainability Index” for Assessment of Water Smartness and Sustainability of Wastewater Resource Recovery Solutions
- Hydrological performance of lined permeable pavements in Norway Les publikasjonen
- Increased resolution of soils information through morphon segmentation of the Korentepoort mountain catchment
- Enhancing a Transition to a Circular Economy in the Water Sector: The EU Project WIDER UPTAKE Les publikasjonen
- Thematic meeting | Joint workshop between Klima 2050 and the Water JPI project EviBAN
- Concentration of Municipal MBBR Effluent by FO for Resource Recovery: Batch Experiments in Side-Stream Configuration Les publikasjonen
- Thematic meeting. Use of grey-green solutions for rooftops, permeable pavements and rain gardens to manage stormwater at Zeb Laboratoriet
- Principal component analysis for decision support in integrated water management Les publikasjonen
- Citizen science to enhance evaluation of local wastewater treatment – a case study from Oslo Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Water smartness and sustainability of symbiotic solutions for water reuse and resource recovery
- Introduction to Smart Solutions for Wastewater: Road-mapping the Transition to Circular Economy
- Avløpsvann skal brukes på nytt
- Sintef vil bruke avløpsvann på nytt
- Vil bruke avløpsvann på nytt
- Pressemelding. Avløpsvann skal brukes på nytt
- Vi må ikke bare spare på vannet, vi må bruke det på nytt
- Optimizing Water and Wastewater Treatment using Informed Machine Learning
- Gjenvinning av næringsstoffer -resultater fra RECOVER prosjektet
- Comparison of sludge management alternatives and resource recovery