
C-accelerated processing of corner-point grids based on the GRID section of ECLIPSE input data

mprocessGRDECL(grdecl, varargin)

Compute grid topology and geometry from pillar grid description.


G = mprocessGRDECL(grdecl)
G = mprocessGRDECL(grdecl, 'pn1', pv1, ...)
Raw pillar grid structure, as defined by function
’readGRDECL’, with fields COORDS, ZCORN and, possibly, ACTNUM.
’pn’/pv - List of ‘key’/value pairs defining optional parameters. The
supported options are:
Verbose – Whether or not to display progress information
Logical. Default value: Verbose = false.
Tolerance –
Minimum distinguishing vertical distance for points along a pillar. Specifically, two points (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2) are considered separate only if ABS(z2 - z1) > Tolerance. Non-negative scalar. Default value: Tolerance = 0.0 (distinguish all points along a pillar whose z coordinate differ even slightly).
CheckGrid –
Whether or not to perform basic consistency checks on the resulting grid. Logical. Default value: CheckGrid = true.
SplitDisconnected –
Whether or not to split disconnected grid components into separate grids/reservoirs. Logical. Default value: SplitDisconnected=true.
Returns:G – Valid grid definition containing connectivity, cell geometry, face geometry and unique nodes.


G = mprocessGRDECL(readGRDECL('small.grdecl'));
plotGrid(G); view(10,45);

Compute grid topology and geometry from pillar grid description.


G = processgrid(grdecl)
G = processgrid(grdecl,ztol)
  • grdecl – Raw pillar grid structure, as defined by function ‘readGRDECL’, with fields COORDS, ZCORN and, possibly, ACTNUM.
  • ztol – tolerance for unique points

G – Valid grid definition containing connectivity, cell geometry, face geometry and unique nodes.


G = processgrid(readGRDECL('small.grdecl'));
plotGrid(G); view(10,45);

Compute grid topology and geometry from pillar grid description.


G = processGRDECL(grdecl)
Parameters:grdecl – Raw pillar grid structure, as defined by function ‘readGRDECL’, with fields COORDS, ZCORN and, possibly, ACTNUM.
Returns:G – Valid grid definition containing connectivity, cell geometry, face geometry and unique nodes.


G = processgrid(readGRDECL('small.grdecl'));
plotGrid(G); view(10,45);

See also

processGRDECL, readGRDECL, deactivateZeroPoro, removeCells.